Thursday, February 25, 2021

Here I sit, brokenhearted.....

Just kidding, really.

Wish in one hand...  well, you know the rest.  What I didn't know is that that (can you use that two times in a row?) came from a Steven King book.  That that I didn't know.

Watched pot never boils.

And, the modicum of getting outta Dodge and this dadgum pandemic "Hurry up and wait."

I want... .I want...  A dog.. A camper van.. A house.. A yard for said dog.  A cat.  Oh yeah, a girlfriend would be nice.  Me, 30 pounds ago.

Whatshispipe:  'Blow me down'. 'I yam what I yam'.. 'That's all I can stands, cause I can't stands no more!'  'I yam what I yam and that's all I yam.'  'If we can't be frens we'll be enemies'.  'Shiver me timbers.'   'Oh my gorshki!'. 'I can't bes nos Doctor 'cause I'm losing my patience!'

Waiting waiting, waiting on the Bluejays.  I remember from YEARS ago, playing basketball, high school.. we'd be down in the locker room before the game, in all likelihood, another losing game.. and the cheerleaders would start that loud chant  'WAITING, WAITING, WAITING ON THE BLUEJAYS!"..  There was something about it.. it seems like it made one jump a full foot higher... run, several seconds faster.. of course, maybe it's because we were 16, I dunno.  ANYWAYS, this pandemic suck - basketball kids, cheerleaders, fans can't even enjoy something like that!

"To lose patience is to lose the battle." Mahatma Gandhi.  NO MAHATMA! I want what I want and I want it now!  Got that that?

I admittedly don't have patience. Awhile back.  Wanted kayak.  Every trip to Dicks, Academy, Bass Pro I eyeballed them suckers like a Red Ryder Carbine Action 200. Should I buy one for two people or a single?  Girlfriend at the time said "Have you ever been on a kayak?" "No." "Well maybe you should rent one before you buy one?"  Scoff.. besides the point.  I want one. I want what I want and I want it now.  Got that that?..So, a year or so later we were in Orlando.. Free kayak rental at hotel. Did. Wasn't all that fun. Please don't tell her.

"The Shot." I've been on everywhich site there is to get this dadgum vaccine. I know from all the past packs of Exeter Light Shorts I would be in trouble if I got Covid.  County website.  State website.  WalGreens, WalMart, eyeballing mass vaccine thingys 120 miles North.. "do I dare go get one, then, when it comes time for the second one there will be 20 inches of snow?"  Continued, figured time for a new paragraph.  Normally I keep going, don't have the patience, but now I will. many, FINALLY got scheduled thru County for last Tuesday.  14 below zero happened, Governor called vaccines that day off.  Patience Victor.  Rescheduled for last Friday.  Out of product, rescheduled, we'll let you know when.  Damnit darnit. Meantime, hours spent back and forth Walgreen website, WallyWorld website, no luck. Friend messaged, "try Hy-Vee."  THANKS!  Continued.  Got that that?

FIRST TIME on Hy-Vee website, I GOT AN APPOINTMENT!  Was for this past Tuesday at 3:15pm.  Even got an appointment with them for 2nd shot, St. Patty's Day. Yum. Rolling now.  Except.  Except. "If Hy-Vee doesn't have your insurance card, please download it now." Crap, ok. Got phone, got billfold, took nifty pic of front/back of Medicare card.. saved it to phone.  Went back to Hy-Vee website, except it wasn't there.  Crapola.  I'd accidentally closed it.  By this time, everyone in Liberty, Kearney, Excelsior, Vibbard, Wood Heights, Lawson, Mosby, Gladstone, NKC, you get the idea, everyone and their brother got wind of Hy-Vee openings.  Continued.

I never did get in, BUT, just in case, I got someone to cover for me at work.  Went to Hy-Vee at my appointed time.  Took her ten minutes to peek thru computer to finally say "You ain't in here." I wanted to play crusty, cantankerous old guy "I wana see your supervisor NOW", just didn't have it in me. "Ok, thanks." Crap. Double crap. Continued.

So.......the County one that was cancelled then cancelled, gotta phone call "Rescheduled for Thursday (today.) You will get an "OR Code" in your email, make sure and bring that with you." This worried me, as original email from the first time came into my junk email. Had it been a Clay County email from Luann Ridgeway or Gene Owen, YES, I would have wanted it in my junk email, but this one I wanted. So, I never got my "OR Code."  Called buddy. Did you get your new "OR Code?"  Yes, two days ago.  Crap. Double crap.  Continued.

So..... called the 1-800-something-VAX # they provided.  Lady looked me up. "You're in here."  Yeah but, yeah but, I ain't gots no email with OR Code thing? Realizing I was assuredly a crusty, cantankerous, old guy, she calmed with "You're in the system Sir, they'll find you, you'll be fine even if you don't have it." I wondered aloud if that was like a 'vow', cause I've heard them before...twice.. it no worky. That and that, got that that?

I'll probably never get a kayak. VICTOR!.. I'll probably never get my stimulus check. VICTOR, you did get that that but remember you cried and cried to us until you did?  kinda.

Life, and blogs, take interesting turns. To the outhouse by Willie Makeit. He ain't gots no patience.  Gimme a can o' spinach.  I'm going to Cerner (the shot giving site) today anyways, I'll give it a shot.

Blogs and turns. I blabbed yesterday about two dreams. This blog was intended to relate that I slept like a baby all night, no damn dreams.  Then, got up way too early, looked for OR Code in inbox (and junk email) NADA. Crap. Took a nap.  Surely this time I'll have a dream to write about.  Alarm went off, nope. Wish in one hand, alarm in other.

Here I sit, brokenhearted, came to dream and only farted.

Continued, in all probability.  Got that that?

Have patience, never give up on your hopes and dreams, hehe.

Love, Victurd.

(I do hereby promise, the day I get a dog.. or a cat.. or a girlfriend.. I will stop blogging so you don't have to suffer thru this crap.  Got that that? Thanks, sorry.)

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