Saturday, June 15, 2019

Who the heck is Ramjit Raghav?

Patience my friend!

As always, vast majority of the below is plagiarized.

When Sonora Louise Smart Dodd was 16, her father became a widower and was left to raise Dodd and her five younger brothers alone.  In 1909 she was listening to a Mother's Day Sermon and she realized the need for a day to celebrate fathers.

She drew up a petition for the first Father's Day to be celebrated in early June on her father's birthday.  It was signed by only two, and presented to local clergy in the Spokane, Washington area.  They liked the idea, but convinced her they needed more time, thus, it's celebrated later in June to give them more time to prepare.  Happened, finally, on June 19th, 1910 at the YMCA in Spokane.

Dodd spent the better part of the next 62 years traveling the US, campaigning for it to become a national holiday.  Finally, it was formally proposed in 1970, but it took Tricky Dick's signature (wouldn't you know it) in 1972 to become a formality nationwide.

"My dad is my hero."  Harry Connick, Jr.

Ramjit Raghav?  Glad you asked.  He's the oldest known man to sire a child.  He was 96 years young when his SECOND child was born.  He first became a father much earlier when his first child was born when he was 94.  Bless him and the cradle he robbed.

The, as always, long and winding road tells us Don Messick was the voice of Papa Smurf (as well as Scooby Doo, Ranger Smith on Yogi Bear, as well as Astro and Rudi on the Jetsons.

The ONLY #1 single recorded by father-daughter was Frank and Nancy Sinatra's "Something Stupid" in 1967.

"My dad's not here, but he's watching in heaven,"  Bubba Watson

If she can do it, so can I.  The male seahorse carries the eggs and gives birth to the babies.

In 1950, after a Washington Post music critic gave Harry Truman's daughter Margaret's concert a negative review, he came out swinging.  "Some day I hope to meet you and when that happens you'll need a new nose, a lot of beefsteak for black eyes and perhaps a supporter below."  Mebbe this is where "Give 'em hell Harry" originated?

A.A. Milne created Winnie the Poof for his son, Christopher Robin.  Pooh was based on Robin's teddy bear Edward, a gift Christopher had received on his first birthday.  Father/son visits to the London zoo led to Christopher's favorite bear Winnie. Pooh comes from the name of Christopher's pet swan.

Stevie Wonder's song "Isn't she lovely" is about his newborn daughter Aisha, and if you listen carefully, you can hear her crying in the background.

Dick Hoyt has pushed and pulled his son Rick, who has cerebral palsy, through hundreds of marathons and triathlons. Rick cannot speak, but using a custom-designed computer he has been able to communicate. They ran their first five-mile race together when Rick was in high school. When they were done, Rick sent his father this message: "Dad, when we were running, it felt like I wasn't disabled anymore!" 

Next time you take a swig at a drinking fountain, please know the drinking fountain was invented by Halsey Taylor in 1912 as a tribute to her father who succumbed to typhoid fever after drinking contaminated public water in 1896.

"I've never been jealous. Not even when my dad finished 5th grade a year before I did."  Jeff Foxworrthy.

Dad is believed to have originated because it's most often the babies first syllable(s) "Da-da"... Mom is believed to have originated from the sound of baby suckling on mom's breasts.  I don't write tit (er, it) I just repor tit, er, it.

(Moms, don't get mad!)  "My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard.  Mom would come out and say "You're tearing up the grass!"  Dad would reply "We're not raising grass, we're raising boys."  Harmon Killebrew.

By virtue of this being my own blog, you're stuck with a note about my father.  He was fair, fun, smart, handsome and enjoyed the heck outta life.  A very good father, husband, person.  My sister and I were raised by our folks take "If we can afford it, if you won't get hurt, or hurt others, then sure, it's ok for you to do."

Happy Father's Day.....

Love, Victurd
(I also owe thanks, i think, to my father for mostly silently mostly under the breath creating the name Victurd.)

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