Friday, May 17, 2019

I'm going to Kansas City... Kansas City here I come....

It's vacation time - so, reckon that's what I'll do....

Self described "Lover of levity from Liberty."

The great divide.  Repub/Dem?  Pro Life/Pro choice?. Wall/No Wall?   100,000 troops to Iran/Hell No We Won't Go?   Early riser/Night Owl?  Coffee black/Creamer and two cubes of sugar please?  Innie/Outtie?

Nope, Liberty/Kansas City.

The great divide, the 152 Highway bridge over I-35 is set to be blown up (purposely) on May 31 of this year.

This bridge separates "Founded in 1822 around this inexhaustible spring" and progress/hustle-bustle/borrowing from Butch Cassidy "Who are these guys?"...

I hear (thank God I can still hear...some old farts lose that capability long about this age.., some long term marrieds purposely lose that as well).. anyways, I hear all the time "Traffic sucks, I'm glad I don't live in Liberty any more" - or, "It just ain't the same any more."  Well... well...  . duh.

I don't care.  I still love Liberty.  I love every one way street, prestigious Oak tree, old-fashioned street light, church bells that remind me the hour (and the 1/4 hour, 1/2 hour, 3/4 hour, yada).. The Corner Bar.. the High School Junior High Heritage Middle School Cougar Mellencamp.  Who needs theme parks, roller-coasters, bumper cars, ski ball, games of risk... one here can take a perilous walk around the old Square and ya just never know when you might get hit by a falling brick - or maybe even an entire falling wall.

On a sunset hill of glory there sits the HS/JR HS/Middle S/Mellencamp.. WJC.. the old Methodist Church/Whatever it's called now. and Nebo Hill.

Stuff here, on this side of the bridge... is cool.  Back when architects cared more about pleasing to the eyes than the pocketbook.  The other side of the bridge is all new.  Right angles.  Lenexa beige, for lack of a better term.  Yuck, patooey (just my take.)

Nope, won't stand in the way of progress, but then again, it wouldn't upset me if they never built that wall, er, I mean bridge, back again.

I even kinda look forward to filled byways.  Filled byways where long ago, one waived to every other car 'cause even if you didn't know their first name, you knew the family name, where the dad worked and what subdivision they lived in.  Yeah, now, when it's imploded, there will be even more boo koo traffic like yain't never seen, KC folks caught on this side to mix in with the bonified townies - and I anticipate the waves will be replaced by "flipping off" every other car.  Might as well, hell, it's the way of our world now.

I vote keep 'em out, just kidding, kinda sorta.  Do do do do take me back.  Take me back to 19sixtysomething, population 8909 to when/where people drove old Ramblers and even cattle trucks to the Ku Ku.

We don't need no stinking WalMart...We've got a Dollar Store, Dollar General, a Five Dollar Store - and a Piggly Wiggly.  The only slice missing in this piece of heaven is maybe a smalltown Casey's, but hell, we've got 24 places to buy pizza and a few places to buy donuts, so we're good.

I honestly do love this City, but I ain't never understood why, in general, all the kids on the KC side go to Liberty High School, and the kids on this old side go to Liberty North.  We'll haveta figure out some way to fjord their Homecoming Floats across the Divide - but we've got some time to plan for all that.  Mebbe them Clay County Deputy horses can pull 'em across.

Vacation?  Victor, whatsup with that?  Well... I was thinking Cancun.. Vegas.. i ain't never been on a cruise..

Then I thought, well, i could take an old fashioned drive the station wagon somewheres.. maybe I'd pack a boatload of clothes, a cooler full of goodies - and make the 4 day trek from Liberty to WalMart where I could simply people watch all them People of Walmart folks. I could camp by the Flintlock Flyover, take my turns flippin off people... I love nice, long drives.

Then again.  Maybe I'll stay right here.  Whadda they call it?  Staycation?  Yeah, that works,  I'll splurge for a 300 burger, try the batting cages, spin around town and think back to what was where, who lived there...  I've got all I need here.  Franklin and China to remind me of when we moved here.  The HS, The College, and even Church Archer for a later date.

Besides, I'm a ginger, Cancun would sunburn me, Vegas would bankrupt me, a cruise by my lonesome would be no fun - and I hear tell you can't even fit two in onea those showers, so that ain't no fun. We've got a Hallmark city right here anyways..

I'll just stay here.  GPS, take me to, I mean Retro Bowl.

Whatever attachment you might have to 64068, have a Happy Day.

Love, Victurd

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