Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Heroes in a half shell....

TMNT.  The little fellas first came on the TV screen in 1987.  Many a spin around the living room watching back then, several bags of candy attained thanks to Michelangelo at Halloween time.

Going full circle, now, my grandson spins around the room, watches, and has a trunk full of TMNT toys.  Sitting down one day to enjoy with him, many similarities, but they've added a little hip-hop to the music in keeping with the times.  Cool.

Interspersed, and stolen from Google, a kid walks into the library and asks the librarian for a book on turtles.  Librarian replies, "Hard back?" The kid replies, "Yeah, with little heads."

This morning, someone posted a video of a turtle on its back.  Nowhere, no way to run, hide.  Immobile.  Life is all about trying to be Pollyanna, but sometimes, we all get this feeling I reckon, stuck on our back, howintheheck, whatintheheck do I do now?

Kinda reminds me of the Hank and Harley story.  There were camping, found themselves awake, on their backs, staring at the stars.  "What are you thinking Harley?"... "I'm thinking someone stole our tent."  See?  You too can blog, all ya gotta do is steal crap.

Back to the turtle on its back.  Thankfully, there was a husband turtle too, and he pushed, shoved, until momma turtle was finally upright, and off they went.  Then again, it very well coulda been a wifey turtle that was trying to upright a hubby turtle, but then again folklore would have "Why would she wanna do that?"

Feel free to make any assumptions you like:   An old rancher is talking about politics with a young man from the city. He compares a politician to a "post turtle". The young man doesn't understand and asks him what a post turtle is.

The old man says, "When you're driving down a country road and you see a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle. You know he didn't get up there by himself. He doesn't belong there; you wonder who put him there; he can't get anything done while he's up there; and you just want to help the poor, dumb thing down."

The longest trip I ever took was to St. Thomas.  I think Branson was 2nd longest, ha.  Whilst there, got to go on a snorkeling cruise.  Sea turtles are amazing creatures.  They've been around for 110 million years. (Editor's note:  Really?  Howinthehell do they know that?)... They can migrate as far as 1400 miles, but they always go back to where they were born.  Kinda like growing up in Liberty I guess.

After hatching, it may take a week for them to dig themselves out of the nest.  They emerge at night, move to the ocean and remain there, solitary, until it's time to mate.  Sea turtles live about 80 years. Holy crap, I could move to the ocean and remain there, solitary, until it's time to mate, but I don't think I got 80 more years in me!  I'm done!  Go ahead, flip me on my back...

What do you call a turtle with an addiction to pastries?  Donutello.

There are differing statistics on how long a sea turtle can stay under water without emerging.  I think it was the guy who claimed they were 110 million years old that came up with "months and months."  One place said "30 minutes".. another "5 hours, though a feeding dive is usually 5 minutes or so." The lady in charge of the snorkeling cruise thingy, she would tap us on the shoulder when she saw a sea turtle, and it was usually like 5-7 minutes they'd stay down and feed, then surface to the top.  Pretty cool to observe.  

What kind of pictures do turtles take?  Shelfies. (Thus, the name, snapping turtles.)

One time, band camp, I heard a story about a man and his wife that had separated.  She moved in with her sister.  Once, she put the remnants of an ashtray in the trash bag, set it in the garage, and uh huh, it caught on fire.  Holy crap.  Victor, what's this got to do with turtles?  Hang on.  Anyways, fire department was called.  Hear tell there was pretty severe damage, but thankfully, it was reported "all ok, everyone got out, no one was burned."  A couple days later, hubby went to pickup his child at the sister's place, and his wifey came to door... she had a huge hickey on her neck.  Laughing on the inside, he pretended to be frantic on the outside "OMG. OMG. I THOUGHT YOU SAID NO ONE GOT BURNED?!!!"..  Moral, she shoulda worn a turtleneck.  There, there's your turtle correlation.

OK.  I'm turtled out.  May your life be lived rightside up.  I'm moving to the ocean and will remain there, solitary, until it's time to mate.... Seeya what.. 2064 or so?


Love, Victurtle

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