Friday, March 15, 2019

Who askedya?

*S happens.  Day in, day out.

Mentally ill, mad folks have gone into schools, theaters, churches, Mosques, workplaces, concerts and shot, maimed, killed, into oblivion.

With the exception of maybe the 60's, our own Country is so devisive- if it were a movie it would assuredly be named A River Runs Through It - and I ain't talking about the original movie, I'm talking about the shores of "this side" and "that side."

People hate road construction, potholes, progress, Monday, waiting in lines, traffic that only goes the speed limit, this President, that President, this color, that color, this Religion, that Religion, No Religion, this Country, that Country, this sex, that sex, that choice.

We go fast, unwittingly say "screw the scenery" to the scenery, my kid's better than your kid, this house ain't big enough, you don't make enough, you've aged, you've put on weight,............


A friend asked, that's who.  As we awaken to the news of a nut obliterating 49 people, recording it all with a Go-Pro, laughing as it happens... sure, the question would be:


The answer is a rousing yes.  I call BS Victor.  Go ahead, do so, just know:

I've got a classmate who just returned from a dream trip Down Under.  As I type, two more classmates are meeting up, also Down Under.  I've got a cousin about to embark on a lifelong dream trip to Morocco, Spain, Egypt, Greece, and England.

I've got inlaws who've fostered, kept, more rescues than Carter has pills now living their dream, in a Room with a View overlooking a lake, mountains, God's easel in their chosen NW Arkansas.  I've got an ex who rescued a dog that is blind and requires insulin shots daily - and it's the happiest pooch you ever seen.  We attend the same grand kid birthday parties, and we can do so without yelling, screaming, badmouthing the other. (Talking about my ex, not the pooch, but, I think me and the pooch would get along too!)

I've got a cousin who, on April 5th, will return to his hometown where they are naming the High School Baseball Field in his honor.   (The gym at the school is already named in his brother's honor.)

I've got a classmate who retired from a wonderful career doctoring children with cancer, then devoted years taking her mom (via planes, trains, autos and horseback) on so many bucket list quests.

I've got a classmate who completely lost consciousness for an extended time last year, we feared the worst, presto, she's back, better than ever and closing in on a 50 year marriage.

I've got a fraternity brother who retired, then bassackwardly 'retired in Phoenix, moved to KC' to return to his roots - to spend time with his aging parents.  He got to spend time with his Father toward the end of his life, and he now looks in on his Mother frequently.

I've got a beautiful friend living on acreage with horse, cats, chicks - and by choice she debunks suitors knocking on her door as her life is full in the devotion to her children, their children, her Church.

I've got a buddy who just kicked cancer's ass.  I've got friends raising their own grand-babies and I ain't never seen bigger smiles on their faces. I've got buddies who are lucky enough to share time between their two loves, the Lake and their Hometown.

I've got fraternity brothers from 40+ years ago I meet up with monthly, lifelong 'townie' friends I gather with weekly, and after a lot of years with some wasted moments, it's now Diet Coke (only) for me.

I've got friends painting, wine testing, making furniture for fun/hobby, traveling to/fro.. My cousin's grand kid, at age 9, raised a buncha money for Save the Manatees and personally delivered it in Florida whilst on vacation with her family.  Some years back, my cousin's daughter was in a horrific car wreck, was milliseconds away from having her foot amputated, "you'll never run again", and happy to announce she's since run in a triathlon.

I've got a 'yag'.  The hell is that Victor?  Well, some years back I got intraocular lense implants when I had cataracts.  Perfect, I could then see close up AND far away, goodbye readers.  Now I've got a 'yag', which I understand is some kinda film like gunk that gets on your windshield, my vision is semi foggy, but I go Monday to get it lasered away, understand it's a 3 second procedure, and best of all, Medicare (combined with supplemental) pays for it.

I can see, smell, feel. I can walk, knock on doors, ha, breathe, move, stretch, moan, groan, nap, abuse the remote, bingewatch whatever I wanna, cheer the Royals, Chiefs, MU, Jewell, Liberty...and I don't even think I hate KU as much as I usedta.  I HAVE GRANDCHILDREN!

Yes, life is good.  Damn good.

So in closing, yes.  Yes, good is out there.  Around every corner.  Under every nook, cranny.  Uh huh, *S happens, but, when delivered the plate of life I've been lucky enough to have been delivered, I ain't gonna complain and send it back to the chef.

Love, Victurd

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