Wednesday, March 06, 2019


As in older than.

Your age?  Close to me?  High School class of 1970 or thereabouts? Color us lucky, I guess.

Aunt Bee was 58 when The Andy Griffith Show aired.  Granny, of Beverly Hillbillies, was 60. That's Uncle Joe he was moving kinda slow at the Junction, Petticoat Junction - at age 60.  Sanford & Son?  Redd was 50 when that started.  Feel old?

Ya outlived The Babe (George Herman Ruth) 53,  The Mick (Mantle...63).. . The King, Elvis, 42... JFK 46...

Did you think of these as old when they took office?  LBJ was 55... Harry S for Nothing Truman, 60.... Don't change Dicks (Nixon, was 56 when he took office)...

You're rich aren't you?  If you subscribed to the "Pay yourself first" theory, and you dumped, say, 10% for 40+ years into a "no touchy" retirement account, then no doubt you've moved to Cabo San Lucas and you're not stuck in the frozen tundra, in, say, a one-bedroom apartment, HA.

If planted on your birth, you've outlived any apple, cherry, plum and pear tree from that time.  Also Birch, Locust and Persimmon.  Not to mention any Antelopes, Bats, Bears, Buffaloes, Carp, Cats, Chimps, Crocs, Deer, Dogs, Giraffes, Geese, Horses, Lions, Mules, Owls, Pigeons, Rattlesnakes, Rhinos, Seals, Sheep, and even Sturgeon born on your birthday.  Damn you're old.

Suzie and Johnny, sittin in a tree, k-i-s-s, i-n-g.  First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage.  As in, 5,083,992,539 more since you were born.

Are you a perv?  Survey says 20-somethings average having sex 112 times a year, 30-something 86 times, 40-somethings 69 times, could find no stats on old farts, so, took the average decrease of 19% per decade, and it computes that you've had sex 3,660 times.  It's no wonder you're tired.

Your heart has beaten 2,601,720,000 times.. you've blinked 693,792,000 times.  Band camp, I did a study when Clayton Kershaw (Pitcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers) signed his big contract, and it computed he would get paid $86 (for the length of his contract) each and ever time he blinked.  Not bad pay.

It's snowed over 103 feet in your lifetime, well, if you stayed in the Midwest anyways.  You've seen 1,333 guys play for the Kansas City Royals, 1,383 for the Chiefs (I know, I thought it woulda been higher too)...

We've spent 180 days exercising, and 7,709 sitting down, 92 of which are on the toilet,,, well, maybe women a tad more.  Ha. We've laughed 578,160 times.  We've slept for 8,030 days (that's 22 years)...

We are the same age as The Today Show... not to mention Open Heart Surgery, Christine Jorgenson's sexual reassignment operation, the first separation of Siamese twins....

Born roughly the same time as our HS Class... Rex Tillerson, Paul Stanley of Kiss, John Kasich, John Goodman, David Hasselhoff, Patrick Swayze, Christopher Reeve, Jeff Goldblum, Vladimir Putin Ha!, Mr. T, George Strait, Liam Neeson, Sharon Osbourne, Roseanne, Floyd Mayweather, Pee Wee Herman, Pervy Harvey Weinstein, Steven Seagal, Dan Aykroyd, Marilu Henner...

Most popular baby names way back then, for boys James, Robert, John, Michael, David, and for chicks Linda, Mary, Patricia, Deborah, Susan,,, Fast forward to today, Liam, Noah, Elijah, Logan and Mason... and, Olivia, Sophia, Ameilia, Lily and Emily...

1952 was a leap year,,If you were a Leap Year baby then, you were eligible to drive finally in can vote soon in 2024... and you can have a martini in 2036...

Sorry, kinda.. I was real bored, and yes, time on my hands, and yes, I know, I need a hobby. 

Happy day and I pray for further longevity for you....


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