Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Don't quit your day job......

Advice. There's "vic" in it. Sometimes, we seek it. Sometimes, it's offered unwanted. Golf with another couple.. ya sposedta tee the ball up one-half of an inch above your driver.. Someone mentioned that to the lady that had just worm-burned one 30 yards or so down the fairway.."NO!".. (Hubby discretely walks over, "she doesn't really want any advice, I'm sorry.") All good.

Slow down, ya move to fast, got to make the morning last.

Advice to take heed: "If you can't keep up, we'll get someone in here who can." Ahm, Ok, thanks (and they ask me why I want to retire.) More succinctly, I was once wet behind the ears (I know, long time ago right?).. I flung some unwanted advice to the President of a company I worked for. He gathered it in, looked me dead in the eyes and said "I don't need you." Alright already, I comprende sir!

Be a fountain not a drain. Thanks Rex Hudler's mom, I LIKES THAT. If only I could remember that sometimes when I open my mouth and say what I really feel, HA.

Just a little dab'll do ya. Eat your Wheaties. Go Greyhound, and leave the driving to us. Ya put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up. An apple a day.....Cut to the chase.. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Don't be a squirrel, how many flattened squirrels have you seen that couldn't make a decision?

Easier to ask for forgiveness than it is for permission. Haste makes waste. My loving boss when I worked at the City Park "assholes and elbows, that's what I wanna see." Don't bite the hand that feeds you. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

We (the Royals) recently had a rookie pitcher make it into the 7th inning, virtually unscathed in his first ever Major League appearance. Two hits if I remember correctly. He'd reached his pitch count.. Ned Yost went out, smiling. The kid smiled back. 30,000 somethings on their feet cheering as Ned called for a reliever and took the ball from rook. "Son, walk slow, take it all in."

Ann Landers. Dr. Phil. Yogi: "When you come to the fork in the road, take it." From Joan Bakewell/Journalist "When someone annoys you, just imagine them naked, you'll feel their equal."

You're not that important, it's what you do that counts. Brush your teeth. Make your bed. Don't let the bedbugs bite.

I repeat stories. Advice: Let us old people repeat our stories. In the last three years, I've heard the same LP story 47 times, each and every time embellished a tad, but with a bright, vibrant 'telling'. I listened, and laughed, 47 times. My grandfather would drop us off at the swimming pool with "Don't get your feet wet."

Don't worry, be happy (don't worry be happy)... You'll shoot your eye out. Only pack what you can carry yourself. Don't make decisions when you're angry, and don't make promises when you're happy. <-- I needs me some help with that one.

The grass is greener on the other side, there's probably more manure there. Wait 24 hours before getting mad and reacting about anything. If it doesn't bother you in 24 hours time, it probably isn't important enough to get mad over. (another I needs some help with)

Try not to take anything personally. No one thinks about you as much as you do. Ha. Whenever something happens that makes you sad, ask yourself whether you'd still care about it when you're ninety. (I'll never make it to ninety... which reminds me of another.. "I don't wanna live to be 90" said the chirpy punk. On the day he/she is 89 years, 364 days, I wonder what they'd say if you asked them if they still feel like that?

Poor poor pitiful me. Ya ever had one of those months where anything, everything you touch turns to hell in a handbasket? Yeah, me too, these past 30 days. One example is buying a $4200 car thinking "nah, I only need liability" and ya watch as it catches on fire and the fire department snuffs it (and your tears) out.

So.. I turned to a friend. "Oh geez, here he comes again" I'm certain they thought. So I typed an email probably about twice as long as this blog relating how shi%%y my 30 days have been. Down. Needs me some up, I'll email that person, he/she will know what to say.

This person wrote back "You really are having a terrible month, I am so sorry! I can’t imagine how hard it has been for you losing ____ . "Whatever happens, if things don’t end up working out, don’t let this be your downfall. What’s that old saying, something about don’t hitch your wagon to one star? You are getting ready to enter one of the best times of your life. So it’s not how you pictured it - among other things, you lost your shaggin wagon (I think the Grand Prix will be a better chick magnet than the van anyhow lol). This stuff happens to the best of us. Wallow for a little while, not too long, then pick yourself up and dust yourself off. Now is the time to focus on YOU! Be totally selfish, financially, mentally, physically. Do the things that you enjoy, enjoy your grandkids. You are great with people. You love basketball. Would you want to coach when you retire? Volunteer with Big Brothers/Big Sisters? Get the hell out of KC and head to beach somewhere and bartend in a tiki hut? I just don’t want to see you lose your spark. You’ve still got a lot of life left!"

Damn. I feel better already, THANKS! If only people, people who help people when they need it - knew how HUGE that plays.. well.. again, some advice to me would be to "be there for the next guy." Thanks ML, I needed that.

Advice. There's Vic in it. There is Vic in service too - and, no idea whyinthehell I'm making this turn as it kinda sorta has nothing to do with this blog (but mebbe it does).. I walked into a store yesterday. Two clerks. Four of us in line. I was in line at the register where they person was pulling goodies out of a box, stocking them. She looks at me and says "Oh, you'll have to go to him (the dude with three people already in line waiting) as I've got to get this stocked before I get off." Lady (I wanted to say so badly) if I owned this store, I would tell you "the customers have a choice..when they walk in THEY are your first priority, not stocking, your phone, the spider on the wall, yada yada."

See, us old people getta bitch any time we want!

Ok, so.........

So, "What'll it be sir? I might tellya the Banana Daiquiri's are AWESOME."

Both hands on the wheel. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Love, Victurd.

(Editor's note. Trust me, I know my woes are MINISCULE compared to many - I reckon the point is (I write to me, for me, hitchhikers welcome) if you see someone maybe down, dig a bit, see if you can help. If someone comes to you in need, help 'em as my buddy did. Don't judge, just help, with a smile, the end)

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