Sunday, August 13, 2017

Come fly away....

Ya ever wanna just fly away? No, I don't mean Cancun, Tahiti or Venice... I mean to a better time, a better place...

Fly back to heed those that fell ill of habits perhaps needing change...

Tell those that wont/don't go to the doctor "Go to the damn doctor!"

Heed those that had incidents "DON'T GO!!"

Backpeddle in flight, own up to "man I've long regretted what I did, said.. that short interaction has led to hours upon end of worry, remorse, regret. Please know I'm very sorry."

Fly back and dump your life savings in the new stock, Amazon.

Fly back and go (early) into the field you discovered (late) that you really love.

To a place and time where all your dogs and cats emerge as puppies and kittens.

Fly to 'then' and impound anyone who tries to 'own/buy/sell' a person.

Fly back, identify the ones who will one day harm - get them help.

Ok, maybe also fly and take a baby trip to Cancun, Tahiti or Venice.

Fly back and tell those friends that you now can't tell, "man I really loved you."

Selfishly, fly back to pre-election, pre-selection and tell BOTH sides "NO NO NO...whatinthell are you thinking?"

Fly back to a love gone South to relate "let's go North...remember when our eyes met...up close?"

Of course we can't fly back. We can't undo wrongs. Sadly, we can't go back and heal, warn.

We do however, have today, now, this minute. We can simply do our part to love, nurture, praise.

Regrets? Sure, we've all got em, but, the weather is pretty darn nice right now - let's soar.

Come fly away.

Love, Victurd

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