Thursday, July 20, 2017

Burnt ends?

End. “A final part of something.” “The furthest or most extreme part or point of something” (Always wanted to stand by that sign on Key West, Southernmost point of the good ole USA).

“A goal or result that one seeks to achieve.”

End. Bartend. Godsend. Weekend. Append. Offend. Resend. Backbend. Condescend. Comprehend. Reverend. Bookend. Friend. Spend. Fiend. Upend. Amend. Send, tend, mend…. end.

The report is due at the end of the month. The restaurant is in the North end of the City. The deep end of the pool. The car’s front end was damaged.

At wits end. The short end of the stick. Beginning of the end. For hours on end. The finish line.

Everything ends. Jobs. School. Losing folks. Life. So – when an end happens is it like “whoop, there it is” and it’s over? Nah.

In the past, I was with someone who lost a significant other. There were moments – a song, a calendar date, a place.. where tears would emerge. About all I could do was say “I love you” and – the sorrow of her sadness strangely made me feel good in that her love never ended. Ends don’t end.

I once quit a job without having another to run to, and it felt damn good. The end. Goodbye, seeya later, so long. I did not pass go, I did not collect my $200, I was elated by that end.

A period of some of the best years of my life: Hi Rickety whoop te doo, what’s the matter with Siga Manu. My fraternity. Ya think life is gonna go on like that. Fun. Damn fun. Brothers. Forever. Sure, classes to go to, GPA’s to upkeep (well, try to anyways).. but.. ya get in that ilk “This will never end.” It did, but it didn’t. Every time I see a post from a brother, run into one at WallyWorld – a smile is evoked. I so appreciate that era of my life. Sigma Nu will never end.

This morning, there was a really nifty thing some preacher wrote about happiness. Kinda like “you choose to be happy” or not. One of the tips was “don’t worry about what you don’t have.” Something end that ya didn't wanna end? Don't worry, choose happy (don't worry choose happy.. ooh, ooh ooh oo-ooh ooh oo-ohn don't worry choose happy.) Yep.

Sometime you control an end. Sometimes ya don’t. We all know life can be rearranged in a heartbeat – thus, live it to no end.

Ends involve memories. Ends are a start. Ends, like graduating, a promotion, a new(er) car, retirement – can be yummy.

Rear ends. VICTOR! Sorry. Kinda. Viva la derriere.

Ends are the beginning. Ends harken appreciation for what’s past. Ends, never really do. No expiration. A lotta GD (gosh darn) mems in the brain to appreciate, re-navigate, remember, enjoy.

Burnt ends? Nah. Ends are endless.

The end, love, Victurd.

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