Monday, September 26, 2011

Egg McMuffins and Grumpy Old Men...

Victor, WHY must you share your day here? NO ONE cares.. Aren't you embarrassed?

Sorry. I'm guessing 359 days outta 365 in the year grade out at B+ or better.

Today, not-so-much.

Started at 5:30am at McDonalds. SO excited about going to read the morning paper about how the Chiefs damn near won a game.. about how I had two and a half hours to relax before the bell rings at work... about "me time"...

So I walks in... Three-Fourths of 'em (that work at local Mickey D's) don't even ask.. they automatically ring in a sausage biscuit, a sausage McMuffin, a Senior coffee and a water.. "$2.80 please"...

Not-so-much today.

Bright eyed, bushy tailed, walked in. Snotnose behind register. WAIT... Before you judge that (snotnose).. it's said lovingly. For goodness sakes, my 'can do no wrong' granddaughter has a snotty nose - and I willingly use the sleeve'a my shirt, think
nothing of it... versus mebbe wiping my own and thinking "Ewwwww"...

Snotnose is a term said lovingly, to those that got it all ahead. So NOT derogatory at all.

Up I walk to register. Up she walks to register with this electronic thingy attached to her ear...... Her eyeballs met mine (a good start, many snotnose's eyeballs don't).. she said"I'll be with you in a moment".. i thought "cool".. and she punched her headset, said "may I take your order please" and proceeded to fix whatever it was they ordered, meet 'em at the drive thru... and return to me....

Up to my register she walks(again)... no eyeball to eyeball this time.. hey, it's cool... then she clicks the headset thingy again, "welcome to McDonalds, would you like to try a (whatever the new GD thing they've concocted that kids hate to ask, but must)...

So... I ain't too upset at this point.. I do wonder what the sports writers are saying about the Chiefs.. I do 'froth' for the Sudoku page (I'm an addict".. and, actually, I'm kinda hungry...

So, finally, our eyeballs meet again, she at my register.. standing face to face.. Practiced my order silently.. and then, a third time, she clicks, asks drive thru person "Welcome to McDonalds would you like to try a Mango (some damn thing)..."

Right there and then, the AARP, grumpy ole men came out in me. I hoofed it. Quoting Snagglepuss, exit, stage left. And I did. And I get to car, chastise Victor "You dumb ass, you're surely gonna meet up with her again some weekend morning.. she's gonna look you in eyeballs, and remember."

Forgive me Father, for I have old-age sinned. The thoughts "why, BACK IN MY DAY"... "Why, when I was your age........"... and from memory of many moons ago the shoe was on my other foot..... I was a tad embarrassed.

Work, events therein, grew considerably (close your ears) shittier... so, chalking it off as an AARP day. Three-fitty-nine good days outta 365 ain't bad anyways.

Happy Tuesday.... love,
Walter Brennan....(And Victurd)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Been there, done that! Mostly it's the barely English speaking people that get me. As I walk away with my food and I heard them speaking to each other (not understanding a word) and laughing, I wonder if they spit in my food. Not going back there again I worry about others.
Ok not knowing how to post this the correct way going Anonymous
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