Friday, December 31, 2010

Writing thanks from here so you don't have to wade through "oh it's probably another notification about that new baby" thingy...

Overwhelmed - by it all. Of course by her, Aubrie - but you folks, your comments/'likes' as well. I am so very lucky to have met and befriended so many in my lifetime - each of you that commented please know I'm thankful, my son is thankful, and Aubrie's mommy Mika is thankful.

Any birth is a miracle - but when it's your own child, grandchild - there's awe/amazement. Of course every feature they have is remarkably beautiful. Each and every coo, whimper, stretch brings smiles, a 'good feel'.

Mortality comes to mind. I mean let's be for real, math tells me I'm 58, she's just now born - how many years will I get to be with her? Come on Aubrie, grandpa's ready to play catch, go to the park and play on the slides and swings...Is it too soon to buy a trike? I can't wait for your school play.. Your Brownie banquet.. Your first Junior High basketball game (she's gonna be a point guard, I can feel it!).. Ready to help you search for your first car. NO don't date that guy, he's probably got ulterior motives!

Yes, I concur with your thoughts: "grandkids make life GRAND." "Nothing better than a granddaughter." "Nothing better than a grandchild!".. "Grandkids are the BEST".. "Babies are God's way of saying "The world shall go on." "Babies are such a gift" (And yes, humbling).. "Take a good look at her little finger - you are already being wrapped around it!". "Thank God for new life!" "The real fun begins!" "How awesome".. "Grandkids are such fun".. "Grandpa (or Grandma) is such a wonderful prefix to your name!".. "Blessed." "Nothing like the touch/smell or sweet innocence of a new baby." (And that's just a few of what you said - and again, VERY thankful for each and every one of you)

One asked origin of names... Aubrie, I think mommy's favorite. Rose, was my son's grandmother (his mom's mom... also onea my favorite people ever).. , Renee is "mom's mom"/grandma. Schultze? I know nothing!

Ok, I've rambled - but again, simply want you to know how all of our family is thankful for your kind words about Aubrie. I gotta go now. You guessed it! To the Hospital to hold her!

(Those who happen to trip by my blog occasionally probably already know I LOVE the word love. I don't think it can be winged enough.)
Love ya, Victor

(Schwabby, with apologies to Ryan and Ali and the "love means never having to say...." I'm sorry, but Aubrie asked me if it'd be Ok if she skipped getting the Chickenhawk outfit." Sorry! (but loveya).. She's MIZ-ZOU born and bred my friend!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...