Sunday, March 28, 2010

I was in the right place, but it must have been the wrong time

I was sayin' the right things, but I must have used the wrong line

Aha.... Good ole' Dr. John... This song encircles life.. (Back to mama's advice.. "The true secret to success in life is how you deal with "Plan B".. or, mebbe in my case, plan C, D, E, F, etcetera, etcetera).....

I was on the right trip, but I must have used the wrong car
Head is in a bad place and I wonder what it's good for
I was in the right place, but it must have been the wrong time
My head is in a bad place, but I'm havin' such a good time

Me. I go. I go out. I don't go home, most nights. I have fun. I laugh. I spend (not good, I know).. I ain't hurting a soul. My head is in a bad place, but I'm havin' such a good time....

I've been runnin', tryin' to get hung up in my mind
Really got to give myself a good talkin' to this time
Just need a little brain salad surgery
I got to cure my insecurity

Prolly a lotta truth there in that word 'insecurity'... #1 walked, for I have no idea the reason. Happened in late 1970's, not a word 'tween us since that day, so no idea. #2 walked.. (or leaped into bed, however you wanna look at it) in 2001.. Yes, I know - her leaping could have a whole lotta to do with me, my actions, behaviors.. but.. nanny nanny boo boo, I DID keep my zipper up....

And I was in the wrong place, but it must have been the right time
I was in the right place, but it must have been the wrong song
I was in the right thing, but it seemed like a wrong wrong
'Cause I was in the right world, but it seemed like a wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong

Again... I set the course for my day.... I love my day.. and my evening... right place? Dunno... Wrong time? Mebbe... Would others deem "wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong".. mebbe.. but again... I ain't hurting a sole.. mebbe me? Right place? Wrong time(s)?

Slippin', dodgin', sneakin', peepin', hidin' out down the street
See my life shakin' with every who I meet
Refried confusion is a-makin' itself clear
Wonder where to, where do I go to get on outta here

Fer sure. I am stuck (on bandaids, 'cause bandaids stuck on me).. I am upside down with my mortgage. (Victor, you're a whiny butt).. uh huh, am, sorry. Danger danger, warning warning Will Robinson: note to all potential divorcees for any reason.. (but 'specially for the reason their mate inadvertantly lost control of their genitals)..... see next paragraph, pretty please......

DO NOT SAY "YOU GET THE HELL OUT!"... What that leaves you with, is, a bigass mortgage... one who will come back one day and say "fair is fair, I want half of the equity" ($25K in my case)....... so...... YOU got $25K? Friggin' A Ray, me neither. So... that means...... cha-ching.... re-finance....... so.. that means.... cha-ching..... mortgage goes up...... BUY AN APARTMENT..... Instead say "WE HAD MANY GOOD SCREWS IN THIS HOUSE.... SINCE YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE SCREWING.. IT ONLY FITS THAT YOU SHOULD KEEP THE HOUSE TO CONTINUE WITH THE GOOD SCREWS"........ I'm gettin' me a five hunnerd dollar apartment (AND $25K).....

'Cause I was in the right place, but it must have been the wrong time
And I was sayin' the right thing, but I must have used the wrong line
I took the right road but I must have took a wrong turn
I took a right move but I made it at the wrong time
I was in the right trip but I made it in the wrong car
My head is in a good place and I wonder what it's there for
'Cause my skull is in a bad place

Victor, you're publishing all this on the internet???... for (how did that song by the "Beautiful People go?".) "lovers, fuckers and thieves" to see? Si, I am badbreath person. I was in the right place, but I left at the wrong time. Actually, still there. Ain't left yet. If I can help one soul, nifty.

I was in the right place, but it must have been the wrong time
I was on the right song, baby, must have been the wrong line
I was in the right place, must have been the wrong time
I been on the wrong road, wrong road so long
I been on the wrong road, wrong road so long

I'm happy in my life. Hard to believe after all that crap - but am. I am passionite, occasionally creative, once or twice a year - funny, I whistle, I laugh, I ogle, I think (daily) "good Lord she's got a fine derriere, she's only 33, WHY did my parents have me when they did?"....

I was on the right trail, but it must have been the wrong train
I was in the right [arm], I think it really was the wrong place
Really, really, really, really was the right place
Really must have been the wrong time

Victor? You still in mourning? Someone sent you an email asking you that. Are you?
Eh, mebbe I am. It's not about "return to yesterday".. it's more about "why?".. "what were those years worth?" (Ex's maiden name Worth, mebbe pun intended).. I was in the right place, but it must have been the wrong wife.

Victor, you've had a couple beers, are you SURE you wanna hit "send" (publish?)..

Si. Life is all about sometimes being in the right place at the wrong time. It's all about "my head is in a bad spot, and I wonder what it's good for".. Bottomline.. when I hear this song, I CRANK it. It's happy, whimsical, fun. Sure, also deep.

Very very much of my life has been spent in the right place at the right time. But... sure.. upon occasion (or within decades) I've been in the right place, but it must have been the wrong time. Peace out. Love, Victurd

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