Saturday, March 13, 2010

Of potholes and drizzles…

PATOOEY! That’s what this timea year is, rotten! We slipped, slid, shivered through winter - tithed to the Gas Service company - had a momentary snippet of Spring - then… more PATOOEY!

Victor, you seem to be rather whiny today. I’M A PEOPLE PERSON FOR BEHOOGITY SAKES! Nah, I was drinking my fitty-nine cent Senior coffee at Mickey D’s, people watching, reading about how good KU is (patooey)… got in my car.. Steered to the Piggly Wiggly for more people watching.. Sudoku (I’m an addict).. And I thought to myself “ya know, this timea year is really patooey.”

Potholes everywhere - I think I hurt my hip again going over one.. The ground is yucky moist.. The grass is drab brown.. And the rain is, uncomfy.

At work the other day… very similar day.. After summation of two and one half hours listening to my almost all female coworkers, I blurted “this weather puts you guys in a bad mood.” (It’s ok, they know I tease, shoot rubber bands, send stupid emails, tongue mostly in cheek.)

Hammer. He’s a Mr. Fix It at the office. If it’s broke, he can do it. If it’s a copy machine, he’s got the fixers on speed dial. That day, the day THEY were in a bad mood.. A couple of ‘em were top-of-the-lungs talking about some work diddy over the cubicle walls.. I picked up the phone, dialed my own extension of course, and yelled “HAMMER, come get all these damn phones, the ladies here never use ‘em anyways.” I received a total of seven wadded up pieces of paper on that one. I love what I do, who I do it with.

Ain’t real sure I could live at a place like, say Belize, year round. I think I’d have to really work at having a good attitude if the weather were nice all the time. I kinda love (don’t tell) this patooey period we must suffer thru - as I very much look forward to going to the Piggly in shorts/t-shirt/sandals. I actually kinda enjoy mowing the yard… And Sunday nights at the softball field.. Ah, yes.. Five hours of fun, and that even includes one hour of playing!

We’re on the upslope of The Mamba. Exhilaration ahead. Koolaid koolaid, tastes great, wish I had some, can’t wait!

If you happen to be reading this at 11am, Sunday, 3/14.. Ya dumbass you. You forgot to “Spring Forward” and when you drove to church you realized “Oh crap, I’m an hour late, I can’t walk in now.” Hehe.

I’ll be back in a bit. Gonna go sit, stare out the window at the brown. The rain. The gray sky. (How come gray is spelled that way now.. When we were whippersnappers, I swear it was grEy.) Gonna close my eyes, and in baited anticipation, await the titillating whoooooosh once the Mamba finally finally really really hits Spring.

Play Ball. Yer out. Home run. Has nothing to do with women/cleavage, honest, I just enjoy the warmer temps. People smile more in nice weather. We who have the seasons are fortunate in that we have come to really really appreciate “the good.”

Farm out. Love, Victurd.

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