Friday, October 22, 2021

The old dog.....

 Wise - from experience.  Endeared by every pup that crosses his path.  The pups - in no time rack up 10,000 plus steps on their 'fit-bit' - the old dog's route is planned, calculated, learned, the best way to get from A to B. No wasted energy. Occupying in the background is just fine with old dogs.

Don't let the gray confuse you - the tail still wags at mega speed, they've, over the course of a long time - have developed a deep sense of trust.  While their body may act 12, 15, 17, deep inside there is still a puppy. In many respects, they're just like us.

Over the years, the moments where the hair on their back is raised, the teeth are shown, legs bent ready to pounce - things have changed.  Wanton aggression has been replaced by wisdom.  It takes a good bit to get a rise out of them.. Oh yes, that rise still happens with the USPS guy, the UPS man, the FedEx feller - and of course now the Amazon dude. Intrusion, protection. Much the same as a mother or father defending their children.

Such intrusions, the pup with certainty will wear a path on the carpet from sofa to front window (and back, and back, and back) - the old dog easily senses when alarm is over - and one trek back to the resting spot.

Old dogs still love to eat.  Much like us, they do.  Also much like us, they don't expend as much energy as yesteryear.  Thus, the pounds add up, of course, like us.  Some would call it fat and happy.

Puppies, thanks to their rip roaring, garner attention.  That's just fine to the old dog. Whilst never forgotten the times of front and center are reduced over the years.  Not exactly taken for granted, but kinda sorta. They seem cool, ok by that....but are they?

It's when we notice problems..  they're not eating as frequently.. lethargic..  staring at walls..  unexplained barking or whining.. sleeping more, and more and more.  Then, and just then, do we put two eyeballs on them, giving the sufficient attention they need.  Kinda like old folks, I guess.

Please don't read into this "I'm talking about me" - I'm talking about us, how we coexist with not only hounds, but people in general too, the aging society - not taken for granted, but perhaps not included as often, not communicated with as frequently.  Very, very much loved, just kinda morphed, without intent, to back burner stuff.

With aging, oft times trips to/fro the vet increase.  It's then, and sometimes only then, immense feelings come over us... selfishness is usually first... "I want you, that puppy, back!"  It's then and usually only then we are silently slapped silly into guilt.  Life has 'mandated' cycles.. we, all too frequently, are on auto-pilot, and don't stop and smell the roses, count the geriatric tail wags.

We are human.  Dogs are too in a sense.

Life is wondrous, beautiful. We misstep.  Everyone does. Doesn't mean we can't try to do better, or, old dog new tricks if you prefer.

Be kind.  Pet an old dog.  Call, go see an old person.  To repeat, I write to me, for me, hitchhikers welcome.

It's an old saying, so to speak, but we can do better,

Love, Victor

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