Monday, April 12, 2021


Just my opine... that's life today.

I blame it all on Magnes.  WHO?  Yeah, Magnes.  4,000 years ago he was a shepherd in, Magnesia of all places. (Incomplete history, poor Magnes seemingly just had one name. Would his child be born Magnes Magnes? Were their any womensheperds named Agnes back in the day?  Woulda been fitting.)

Anyways, Magnes was tending to his herd of sheep. He took a step and he found that the nails that held his shoe together and the metal tip of his staff were stuck fast to the rock he was stepping on.  A light bulb (even though not invented yet) went off, and he named this metal phenomena 'the magnet.'

Where he screwed up - is when he named 'the poles'.  " 'Like poles', said Magnes, "repel each other.  'Opposite poles' attract."  Duh.  This is so unlike our world today.

Oh ya got trouble. Right here in Magnesia city. Trouble with a capital "T" and that rhymes with "P" and that stands for pole!

Opposite repel Dear Magnes, Dear Magnes, there's a hole in your theory Dear Manges, Dear Magnes a hole. (Go ask Agnes, when she's ten feet tall.)  Victor, you can't have more than one song in a blog, watch him folks, he's a thoroughly dangerous man.

LIKE poles attract.  You know, Democrats. Republicans. KU fans. Sci-Fi nerds (sorry, I hate 'em, Sci-Fi stuff that is, color me an opposite pole.) Religion, race, sexuality beliefs, mask, no mask, CNN, Fox, Sleepy Joe, Donald for King, BBQ ribs, vegan, dogs, cats, books, no - movies, Costco, Sams, WalMart, Target, Godfathers, Pizza Hut, Big Mac, Flame boiled Whopper, innie, outtie, night owl, early riser. Social unrest, crisis. STOP!  (NO, GO!) WE ARE ALL MXIDE UP.

Which brings me to my all-time favorite NONSENSICAL song of all:

 Victor what song is it?

I'm so glad you asked.  It's Surfin' Bird by The Trashmen.  You know, "well don't you know about the bird, well everybody knows that bird is a word.. a wella bird, bird, bird is the word."

You wrote all that stupid stuff about Magnes, Agnes, magnets, poles, crap like that to get to "Bird is a word"?  YES!  I did. 

Life today is nonsensical.  This may just be the most nonsensical song I've ever heard, thus, you're stuck, a fav of mine.  Nonsensical 'makes sense' because it takes one's mind offa all the other crap going on in the world today.  For a brief respite, we can forget it all.

Well, I guess now that we're here, why don't you tell us about this song.  I THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER ASK!  We must be like poles...or was that opposite?  Go ask Agnes, I dunno.

First, tell us about "Bird."  Good idea!  Bird has carried many slang definitions throughout history, from 'prostitute' to 'middle finger', and in subsequent concepts, bird is the word characterizes something as good, cool, or new and revolutionary. Middle finger kinda sorta fits the polarization of our society today.

The song, Bird is a Word (actually, Surfin' Bird) by the Trashmen was kinda sorta stolen from the Rivingtons and their "Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow" and "Bird is a Word." They (The Trashmen) saw a band perform 'em, so they sang 'em. The drummer stop playing and ad-libbed 'Surfin Bird" during the middle, a local disc jockey heard it, asked 'em to record it. Did. Won Battle of the Bands competition.  Recorded. Sold 30,000 copies first weekend. Drummer claimed he wrote it, Rivingtons threatened to sue, changed to their writer. The end.

I was never in band camp.... but one time, long ago, a group of football playing, beer drinking, ne'er-do-wells from a local fraternity, then plagiarized The Trashmen, changing the lyrics to:

A wella don't you know, about our school, a WELL EVERYBODY KNOWS, about our school, a well Jewell, Jewell, Jewell is the school."  It, surprisingly, coming from them, was clever, but they never made a dollar, never recorded it, but sang it at bon fires, campus sing-a-longs, and at around 3 in the morning about every Sunday morning at the frat house.

Which brings us back to Magnes. Opposites repel damnit, not attract. Life, with more nonsensical stuff like Bird is the Word, could, would be a whole lot better. Liquor can helps, but then there is those that claim religion helps too.  Damn poles. Nonsensical.

I can't figure life out. Can you?

Go ask Agnes, when she's ten feet tall.  I think she'll know.

Love, Victurd

(SOOOOOO... please... copy/paste the below.. and go have a minute or two of nonsensical. If nothing else it'll take you back to 1963 when we all liked each dogs, mom, apple pie and Chevrolet.)

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