Friday, April 20, 2018

The Magical Mystery Tour is coming to take you away, coming to take you away....

In deference to that one phrase going around regarding news - I much prefer to dip into the meaning behind these Beatle lyrics as "ain't so sure."

Social media of thought:

"Eh, it's a drug thing, can't you hear it? "Roll up roll up for the Mystery Tour"?

"It sounds like a song about Jews being taken away to Nazi death camps, only to be told they were going to "work camps" or something similar ("they've got everything you need [...] satisfaction guaranteed"). They're coming to take you away, take you today. They're not asking you to come on this Mystery Tour, they're forcing you."

"Viet Nam. Tanks 'roll up' and take soldiers away.. the Magical Mystery Tour is dying to take you away."

"Paul's idea for a 3rd movie."

"It speaks to the changing of their music.. teenie bopper to songs with greater meaning, depth."

No matter... to each our own...

I think of life - a Magical Mystery Tour. Who knows what's around the next corner? Magic, it is, if we let it be, pun not intended.

I think of full blown emotion. I love you, I love life, I have no idea to the timing, cast of characters, placement of "the end" - but my eyes are wide wide open to ATTEMPT to suckup the wonder every day, every moment. Sure, I slip, I fail, but I try to remember. Even mundane can be perty nifty - if we allow it.

Alarm clocks awaken us, showers wipe yesterday away to prepare for today, coffee, for many of us, acts as jumper cables. Do we then walk thru life like it's a muddy swamp and frown at the path, or do we attempt to climb the highest mountain, reach the top of that mother and scream out, to no one in particular, I LOVE THIS RIDE!

Victor, you ain't hearing Ringo's beat, your take is too gosh darn Pollyanna. Mebbe, "two sides to every board" my granny usedta say. I'll take it, the song, and MUCH, MUCH more as reminders to smile, laugh, enjoy, not get so damned bent outta shape - know, there are going to be 'swamp moments' - all, while that mountaintop is within view. Within heart. Within behavior.

There is, frankly, much within life that ain't quite so joyful... thus, I dig into my bag of tricks and I watch an Ellen Show.. play golf with buddies of 50+ years.. or I dial up 781-1998 and orders me a 300 burger with ketchup and pickles... or I youtube Ray Charles.. and after a few songs, I search for "Shout, Parts 1 and 2" by the Isley Brothers:

We-eee-eel... you know you (life) make me wanna shout, kick my heels up and shout, throw my hands up and shout, throw my head back and shout, come on now... don't forget to say you will.. don't forget to say, yeah, yeah, yeah... yeah, yeah.. Say you will, say it right now baby, say you will, come on, come on, say you will.. say that you will..

The thicket ain't the ticket - it's walking, living the belief this is a magical mystery tour.

Death happens too often.. too early... too unpredicted. We drive the roads, worry about traffic, tailgaters, money for commute, upward mobility, what other's think, this/that... patooey. It's a magical mystery tour, if we allow it.

I don't need much. When the day comes I'm at the front of the room in that urn, all I'd like to hear is "damn, he 'got it'.. he enjoyed life.. sure, he had faults, but he was basically nice to people.."

The Magical Mystery Tour is coming to take you away.. coming to take you away..

Set your alarm, shower off yesterday, drink that java... go/do/live... joyously,

Love, Victurd

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