Sunday, April 15, 2018

Take me home, country road.........

I wanna go back.

No, not Marty McFly and Doc back... nor even Phil/Bill Murray Ground Hog Day back......

I just wanna have stuff to return to where fake meant:

She's wearin' falsies, them ain't real.

Take a dime and scrape the gold on that ring, it ain't real, it's fake.

To when the National Enquirer was the only fake rag.

To where 66.6% of the panel on To Tell The Truth were fake.

Them ain't her real eyelashes, they're fake.

We all hopped in Jimmy's car, cause he had a fake ID.

I couldn't take it any longer, Lord I was crazed, And when the feeling came upon me like a tidal wave I started swearing to my God on my mother's grave that I would love ya till the end of time, that I would love ya till the end of time, I swore that I would love ya till the end of time.

Dewey Defeats Truman...

Having the fortune to once be married to a Baptist Preacher's daughter.. I was in attendance one Sunday when her father recounted a story about a revival.. the preacher was a preachin'.. the crowd was a rantin'... ESPECIALLY one feller in row twelve. Preach would speak, row 12 dude would holler "Fill me Lord, oh Fill me Lord"... and agin, "Fill me Lord, Oh Fill me Lord,".. this went on into seemingly infinity.. Finally, lady in row 17, who had witnessed the shallow ways of feller in row 12 (coming out of the bar, different women different nights, loud, heavy metal rock parties at his house, cigs, presumed drugs, yada) stood up and shouted "DON'T DO IT LORD.. HE LEAKS!"....

Crop circles... "Rolex's".. Fiji Mermaids.. Jackalopes... Paul is dead... Rosie Ruiz... Flying saucers.. Sasquatch.. The War of the Worlds..

I'd like to again tune to a network (notta notwork) and see/believe.

The hell happened to principles?

Love, Victurd

(And to all you perverts who were expecting me to include "Faking it"... faking it.)

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