Saturday, November 02, 2013

I'm positive, I think.

One of the three readers of this blog suggested writing about:

"list of things you do want to see? What are the things not seen frequently enough, things never seen, things to dream of seeing?"

Tough assignment, #1 because I was a C+ student. Sounds kinda like being asked to do the play-by-play at a football game with 20/60 vision. The cubicle person giving the corporate financial report. I am not worthy. I'll try.

What I want to see? Sadly, color, for some, is still an issue - I don't feel we will ever see where it's not an issue (for all)... Perhaps the only way for that to happen is for love/loving/marriage/proliferation to the point one day where everyone is the same color, and I'm not naïve enough to think that will ever happen... but, you asked "dream of seeing?" (Victor, are you saying a white person couldn't be with a white person? No red with red, black with black, etc? No, no, no, not what I meant. I simply strive for a way "to see" it ain't an issue)..

I'd love to see all religions teaching love of mankind, even those with other religious (or non-religious) beliefs.

I understand brilliant people have designed a car that can drive itself. Many are gone from accidents, many injured suffer every day since - I'd love to see an accident free way to transport. Yes, perhaps letting go of a freedom, but the benefits would far outweigh that. I could sacrifice that freedom for being able to go to bed and not worry about children, grandchildren, friends, loved ones.

In some respects. a lotta the junk from the blog that prompted this ("I'd be ok if I never saw again") translate to things I want to see.. a cure for cancer.. a handle on crime (street, business, government)..

I want to see people give it their all before divorcing, perhaps even have a mandatory one year 'engagement period.' Oft times (not always, I'm aware), it's no longer the covenant it once was.

I'd like to see less separation of the economic classes. My C+, 20/60 vision has no answer on 'how', but if we can build a GD (gosh darn) car that can drive itself, surely there are brilliant minds out there to help with this.

I'd love to see every person that is diabetic to have access to insulin. Every person who needs dialysis, access to it. Every depressed person - counseling, and meds if needed. A hearing aid for those that can't. A doctor for an ill child. Very basically, sick people: access to assistance.

Our soldiers home. Worldwide peace.

Want to see? Never seen? Dream of seeing? I can certainly be selfish here. Cooperstown. The four dead guys in granite. Guys night out. The golf course. A Flash Mob, even better, maybe participate in one. I wanna go on a cruise (never been) and prove that "it is possible for two to shower at once in one of those 'locker-sized' cruise ship showers." Maui (again). A mate, whose as much into me as I am her.

I would love "every day life" as part of the curriculum in every school district:

*Have kids spend a few hours on-site in various professions. Bring in three old people. One who has prepared, saved well. One, so-so. And one, strictly on Social Security. Tour their homes. Help them go over their monthly budgets. Hindsight, yes, I've not planned the greatest. Yes, aware "hard to relate being retired when you're 9, 12 or 17" but can't hurt to infuse in school plan. (I left two professions, education, airline, where I could be drawing a retirement right now had I not chosen to depart. I blame me for that, but ya know, maybe had I had "that class project", I wouldn't have left either.)

*Have kids attend a wedding. Talk to the bride-groom one on one about "how they arrived there".. Attend divorce court, visit with each about how they got there. (Understand the impact of "He/she slept with my best friend." "He/she hits me, verbally abuses me."
Even the impact of things as simple as "I grew tired of being the one that cooked, cleaned, dealt with the children."

*Tour a home where grandparents are raising three children. Bring in happy people that are motivational speakers, have them expound on why they're happy, what it's done for them. Go to a prison, have a one on one with a lifer. Go back to class, discuss the difference between the examples.

*I've been detached from education for quite some time - so, if any of the above plans are already in motion in schools, no harm intended. I simply would love to see more time spent on life's lessons, than an Isosceles Triangle, Iambic pentameter, or onomatopoeia.

I'm being boring, but that's ok. I prefer the focus on others, as in "yes, would like to see that into the future." Sure, it's a perk any time someone comes here (to the blog), but I go back to the initial purpose: to me, for me (to remind myself to chose happy)..

There is much right in life, for that I am thankful, and want/expect to continue to see. I know I will continue to see good people, and try to learn from them. I want to see animal lovers loving their animals. Loving parents loving their children. Loving children loving their parents.

There is no magical prophecy within me. If I could simply live life out seeing, being happy, I'm good with that. If I could see me never being a burden on another as I continue to age, perfect. I haven't the excess funds to pay it forward financially - so I want to observe others that are giving (in the same financial boat) and learn from their ways.

I'm a simpleton. C+ with 20/60. (The truth is I think I have 20/20 vision. I had cataracts at age 54, so I now have one lens for close-up, one lens for far-away <-- like to see more miracles like that.)

Simple, happy, works/wins. I'd like to see, live that. Nothing earth-shattering, all knowing, but simply the sufficient spoon to stir my pudding. Love, Victurd.

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