Monday, March 26, 2012

When it's least expected.... you're elected....


They say "love makes the world go 'round", me personally, I think that's prefaced by smile.

Smile is one of the most impactive things on the planet. No, not all agree.. but maybe we can agree to be different, and I'd love to state my case not in hopes of influence, moreso to simply explain (the view from my stinky sized 10's)...

There are varying degrees of smile. Ya walk up to Mickey D's, no eye contact, "may I take your order please".. versus... walking up, a genuine smile, eyes meet (I ALREADY LIKE YOU, THANK YOU FOR THAT. YOU'VE HELPED TO MAKE MY DAY!)...

There's the congeniality smile... it's Monday am, you've parked your car.. you make the dreaded trek to the cubicle.. you pass a coworker, be it in the parking lot or the hallway... a smile to you on your way draws yours, and you think to yourself "You have no way of knowing how large that plays.. I love you, and I'm fortunate to work with you." (Mebbe more later, but... remember, I write for me, to me, hitchhikers welcome... but I think that "I'm fortunate to work with you" should somehow be communicated, be it email, face to face.. or an email to a boss braggin on ur fellow coworker.)

Intimate smiles. Sure, been awhile, but I remember. Probably the best kind.. these smiles seemingly send us back into the day of raging hormones - not to mention giving us a keen sense of self worth, comfort.

"I have no idea whointhehell you are" smiles. These are among my favs. You hold the door open at Wally World, or, perhaps have it held open for you. NICE. Spread nice!.. You walk past a stranger - eyes meet.. "hi, howya doing" happens, smile happens. Yes. Yes. Good hearts giving good vibes, albeit knowing "I will never see you again" and never thinking that -- it's just the person they are... the person you wanna be.

Smile... in a group of friends.. you listen as you hear the one telling the story.. you're probably already heard (maybe) "know where it's going"... a baby smirk happens.. and when they finish their oration, you're in complete smile.. you know them... you like them.. you've come to almost know what's gonna roll outta their mouth next... you smile. And for that, you are thankful.

A fun email. Smile. Something stupid, goofy, off-the-wall said at work, you smile. 5pm happens. You're exiting work - you cross paths with a coworker, you know work has been challenging, you're of the same ilk.. gladly... "it's 5pm, I'm getting the hell outta here" here's a smile for you as I realize you are too.

Grandparent smiles. There are none better, and yes, I'm including the "oh baby, oh baby" smiles here. Grandparent smiles are heavenly. You scroll back 20-30 some years and envision. You see the smile light up from your grandkid, followed very closely by the smile from your kid - and adding yours now makes it THREEFOLD. Days, months, years, mems get you to this point - but it's a point on the planet where you wanna yell, shout "HELL YEAH.. THIS IS "THE BEST!".. and it is. It doesn't make sense that a smile at age 6 months... 10 months.. 12 months... 15 months can be so damn impactive.. but they are. (And, changing the subject, should they get in one'a those grumpy, "I ain't happy moods" [rare, but happens].. you just say, "ahm, love you guys, but I gotta be going now"... I'm a grandparent, I can do that, but DAMN I loved the good mood, coos, smiles we just had! There is absolutely no feel on earth compared to being on the receiving end of a smile from ur grandchild.

Family. A given. With family, it's a bit more than a smile. It's adding in all you've been thru.. it's adding in yesterday... it's adding in ur common love for those that ain't no longer around... it's longevity.. it's love... it's meaningful..

I've heard more than once.. "Victor, you have a persistant 'shit-eatin' grin"... it's ok, I'll take that... and I'll take it as a compliment... None of us know what's going on in a person's life.. our friends often have no idea what's really going on in our own life. Smiles spread comfort. Feel good. Contentment.

Smiles, both given and received, (to me) are way more impactive than... the stock market... the presidential race... the NCAA basketball tourney... American Idol... the weather.. current events.. CNN breaking news... Easter, Memorial Day, MLK day, President's Day, Halloween... etc, etc.

Smiles help the innards. Smiles help the outtards. Giving one is a tremendous feel good... getting/receiving one: double that.

When it's least expected, you're elected - it's your lucky day.... SMILE..

Love, Victurd

1 comment:

Judy said...

so true, so true, we oftentimes go around with little or no resemblence of a smile on our face, we carry the weight of the world, or so we think. Glad you've got a grandbaby that gives that pure smile, joy and eye twinkle, those are treasures beyond gold.

thanks for letting those of us that read this hitchhike.