Sunday, February 20, 2011

Please don't rain on my Parade....

“Hi sweetie”... I hear this every Saturday and Sunday morning at Mickey D's.. Nice enough kid... Due to my Pavlov behavior, I don't even have to order my breakfast... She codes it in, smiles, collects my $2.80 – and fetches me my goodies. In hanging around there for sometime now, I've noticed one has to order a “Senior Coffee” to earn the greeting “Hi sweetie.” Still, perty cool.

Sport's page, Sausage biscuit, front page, Sausage McMuffin, local page, gulpa coffee, entertainment, scan the ads – coffee refill, then, finish up with Parade magazine. Today's front page: The Secrets To A Long Life.. Why is it, when one is young, ya never think about age – but as one ages, there are reminders allover all the time?

Article touched on some myths about living longer... “Marriage guarantees a longer life”... learn, not necessarily so for women, so for men. Men that have divorced – BEWARE. Oh shit.

“Taking it easy adds years to your life.” Article suggests early retirement, living at golf community ain't necessarily accurate for longevity. In fact, it suggests to continue working past retirement age. “Increased responsibility brings more challenges, but this paradoxically correlates with long-term health.” Ahm, this one's ok, cause after peeking at my retirement stash (insert hee-haw here) I will be working... and working... and working..

“You can worry yourself to death.” Parade rains in “actually, the opposite is true. The best predictor of longevity is conscientiousness.”

“More degrees mean more years.” Article took a turn to relate “we found when children entered first grade at age 5, not age 6, they often did not live as long.” Oh shit. I quite honestly couldn't have painted better parents, but I've always wondered why I went to kiddy-garten at age 4. Oh well. Oh shit. (Hopefully I more than made up for in earning my 4-year degree in 6 years. Hey, college was fun!)

“Friendly, outgoing people thrive.” Not necessarily Parade again sprinkles in. A “people person” may often join in the behaviors of the moment – and that affects longevity.” Oh shit.

“Jocks outlive nerds.” Of course exercise is good. If one becomes sedentary (like say sits and watches FB for too many GD (gosh darn) hours a day, it ain't a good thing. Oh shit.

Me thinks my own personal problem is I ain't so great at any kinda calendar other than the one that displays today's date - so I'm cursed that I "join in behaviors of the moment." Sorry, I live for today. Hard time planning for tomorrow. But (Victor, you butt, you can't start a sentence with but, I've told you that before...but bite me) but, I think living IS for the moment, the hour, the second. Sure, I've got bad habits – but at the enda the day, I've normally had fun (and haven't harmed anyone ceptin' mebbe Victurd). Rack a buncha them bastards up (living for the moment days)– and I'd say it's been a pretty good life.

If you dare to have them “rain on your Parade” too... you can login to their “How Fast Am I Aging” quiz and either be impressed or depressed, dependent upon your results.

I was “average” which, actually caused me to let a little worried air outta the belly, cause I was just sure as shit (sorry to all my relatives, I occasionally cuss here) it was gonna say something like “You've got two, three years tops.”

I've proudly earned these wrinkles, this belly. I don't see much change on the horizon, scroll back to “live for the minute.” Minutes are good, they stack into hours, then days, then years, then – a fun compilation of life – whenever that day comes.

And your score? You gonna be around for awhile? Hope so, Love Victurd.

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