Saturday, August 14, 2010


Recently, buddy’o mine opened his phone… started sending text message to friend… you know, the numeric/lettered keypad method, punch the “6mno” key three times to type the letter ‘o’.

Seven year old grandson walks up.. Grabs phone.. Says “Grandpa, just hit this” and jualahh, a typewriter keyboard appears. Humbling.

So, with granddaughter on way around Christmas, I figured I’d better get myself up to snuff on this texting stuff. (Yes, caved in last November… was enroute to work… 0 degrees out.. Checkenginelight came on.. Ain’t kiddin’… no phone, never had a cell. [don‘t count the old bag phone]. Stopped, that evening, got one.)

Many (abbreviations) don’t need ’xplainin. You know….. TY, BRB, LOL, ILY, YW, ZZZZ, etc..

But…. Edjumacated me on some new, so I’ll be “with it” when Aubrey Rose Rene Schultze turns 7 in 2017 and I’ll know how to do all this stuff BMS.. By myself.. Besides, who knows, I might text my way into a relationship, Lord knows every other tried method ain’t worked.

SBT.. Sorry bout that.. DWM… hey! That’s me, divorced white male.. E2EG.. Ear to ear grin.. YYSSW.. Yeah yeah, sure, whatever.. PTIYPASI… put that in your pipe and smoke it… PITA.. No! Not what you think.. It’s pain in the butt!.. NIFOC… naked in front of computer, now that’s a scary thought..

AYSOS… are you stupid or something? Even one for ole’ Chubby Checkers: LTLWDLS
Lets twist like we did last summer.. .. And IANAC… I am not a crook.. (Bless the youth for remembering us aged).. SYY.. Shut your yapper..

IWALU… sing it Whitney.. XYZ… examine your zipper.. YABA… yet another bloddy acronym..

So… I hear you.. I too am bored.. So…… Figured I’d create my own crap. Not sure I can keep up with the youth of today….

IISYHABBWYHIAM……. If I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me..

CWJSAPWLEO? Could we just smooch and pretend we love each other?

IDNN$CWSSTN?… I’m divorced, no, not rich, could we still spend the night?

IHTUHWMEIHA….. I have to undress her with my eyes, I have arthritis..

YISLYITM…….. Yes, I’ll still love you in the morning…..

ANIPFTEOT…….. And now I’m prayin’ for the end of time…….

TRSBIHBIASD,WBBNTAP…… This really sucks but I hadn’t blogged in awhile, so did. Will be better next time, a promise

GWHTLC…. Glad we had this little chat.. L8RG8R… LVPooPoo (Love, Victurd)


nancy said...

ROFLMAO!!! hehe!

Anonymous said...

Challenged by the texting thing, too; glad you spelled it out... yes, yes, yes.... to all of the text could be an agonizingly slow dating process however if you are as handicaped as I am. Texting entry possibly for the Special Olympics?