Monday, August 23, 2021

Give piece a chance....

 A piece of my mind... we all do that, road rage kinda stuff.. someone pulls out infronta ya.. .someone makes you wait and wait and wait and then they turn right onto the street you are parked on and had they used their dadgum signal you coulda left ten minutes ago....

So... we give 'em a piece of our mind..  with the windows rolled up... but loudly... with tinted windows. Ha, showed them...

A piece of cake.  Or pizza.  Cut into four pieces, it really ain't much if you only eat a piece... or two.

Janis wants a piece of one's heart...The Dave Clark Five is in Bits and Pieces, not to be confused with Five Easy Pieces.  Don't call Patsy Crazy or she will Fall to Pieces.

Symbolism?  I once seen a company (I know that's not proper English, but, with a blog you can use any damn piece of language you want.)  I once seen a company.... light bulb... bright idea...  Every single employee was given a piece of a was a nice blow up pic of the company logo... Roughly a hunnerd employees, pieces. One by one folks found where their piece went...added it to the puzzle. Deadline approaching, gonna take a nice pic, have a little article about it in the company newsletter. Xceptin', one person didn't turn in, place their piece.  A piece was missing. Mebbe symbolic, dunno.

The H. B. Reese Candy Company merged with The Hershey Company in 1963. Took 'em a piece to come up with that one candy...1978 in fact..  but really, no one phoned home about  Reese's Pieces until some movie came out involving them in 1983.

Much.  There is much delight in being a grandparent.  Load 'em up with pieces of sour candy, Skittles, break 'em off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar.. then, - take 'em to the park to play on all the playground pieces - then, last stop apiece down the road to get an ice cream cone, only to dump them at their folks.  That.  Much delight in that.  THE BEST though, is, after all the pieces of Christmas paper are sacked in a trash bag, Leggo pieces, Barbie pieces, Mr. Potato Head pieces... and a huge vehicle or something similar with 684 pieces, and the joy of watching your child have to assemble it for your grandchild. Piece of mind, payback.

Small pieces make the big picture.  As long as you have all the puzzle parts. All the King's horses and all the king's men couldn't do it.

Do not try to figure me out. I'm a puzzle with missing pieces.

To play pin the tail on the donkey, it requires a piece of tail. VICTOR!

"On Earth there is no Heaven, but there are pieces of it." Jules Renard

Writing this should be a piece of cake but it's not.  Life can be hard without a companion piece. At what age does lady start to wear one piece swimsuit?  Before or after they need an eye piece? 

Dame Trot and her cat lead a peaceable life,
When they were not troubled with other folks' strife.
When Dame had her dinner, Kitty would wait, 
and was sure to receive, a nice piece from her plate.

Opine, a piece of one's mind.  NRA, no takey my piece.

Artistic creation.. like a Painting, sculpture, musical composition, literary work - a piece.

Five piece band, three piece suit, down the road a piece.

Noun: bit, fraction,fragment, scrap.
Verb: Assemble, build, construct, erect, fabricate.

This specific blog is a piece of junk.

Agreed.  At first, I thought it would make a nice conversation piece.  I was off a piece.

Piece out.

By Henry Gibson and ET.

Love, Victurd pieces.

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