Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Dreeeee-eeeee-eeeee-aaaammmmm, dream dream dream....

 A quick one.

2021 Olympics. (Or, some called it the 2020 Olympics... Kinda like KC Chiefs Super Bowl in 1970 <-- the game was in '70 anyways.. they called them the 1969 Super Bowl Champs.... Chiefs won again in February 2020, known as 2019 Champs since season ended in 2019.  This, ain't about that though).

The Olympics, to me, are always interesting, entertaining, ya never know what's next. Big Counties, Small Countries, HUGE athletes, teeniee tiny athletes. All colors, walks, religions, yada.  Watched, literally by Billions.

Dreams, they do come'a true.  SOOO many athletes from Missouri this year.  Moscow Mills, Nixa, Florissant, St. Charles, Ballwin, Lee's Summit, Parkville, Ladue, Marshall, Grain Valley, Chaminade to name a dozen or so, apologies if I missed any Show Me's.

As kids, wonder how they dreamed?  They musta been willing to put the 5 to 8 years of 20 to 30 hours a week into that dream. Dreams of the thrill of Victory, the agony of the feet in those weeks and weeks and years. Making sacrifices of every day kid kinda things that not every kinda kid would make.

All with hopes of being on that medal stand... the USA flag draped around one's shoulders..

Fast forward to me, my fat body, relaxing in the jacuzzi at the local Community Center.  A birds eye view of the diving board to the pool. I love to watch the variety of braveness (or not) of children on that board.  Some, run to the end of the board and jump as high and as far as they can.  A few, tip toe to the end, finally get the courage to shove off, and of course, grab their nose so water doesn't get inside it. You can tell a first timer.

There are even those that climb the steps, and in spite of encouragement from moms, dads, grannies, etc.. will not jump off and turn around and back down when the lifeguard says "you're gonna have to go or get off." Non-Olympians, but hey, that's the vast majority of us.

Just as I had slid down in the jacuzzi to where that jet was pounding (wonderfully) that specific crick in my neck... relaxation, 'hurt good' feeling.. SHE went. A gal estimated around 8 years old. She didn't run hurriedly, she didn't hold her nose, she didn't back down. In fact, she didn't even jump, she dove.  Not even a regular ole regular forward dive, and really not a regular back dive - she did a backflip.  PERFECTLY.

Where did this kid come from? I'm not really good at much, besides losing rapidly at the blackjack table.. besides virtually always having a 2nd job to make ends meet.. but, being a PE major, I think I have a fairly keen eye for talent physically.  I was amazed by this kid.

I now had sat up to where the jet was missing my achy part, but that's ok, I was excited to watch this talented kid in action.  A jumper would go, then a noseholder's turn.. finally Ms. Natural, a forward flip this time, perfectly folding and unfolding her body, perfectly entering her body vertically into the water with nary a splash.  Time and time again she did this, never too far, too short - always perfectly.  I assumed she was a pre-Olympian just starting her 20 to 30 hours a week for years and years.

Twas then I noticed, across the way, mom and dad sitting in chairs on the side, watching. It was time for my 'pool walking', monotonously back and forth across the width of the pool. Please don't scoff at lack of athletic, lack of aerobic style of my exercise - at least I'm out there hot chocolate breath!  Sorry, kinda.

Soooooooo... As I was making my way back to the start side of the pool, I found mom and dad seated there. I hate the verbiage "like I said", but, "like I said" I was excited by the kid's talent.  I was just sure she'd been to the Overland Park Kansas Olympic Diving Guru trainer for a few years now. Surely she has.

"Hi... I just want to let you now I think you're kid is really, really talented."

"Really?"   "Yes, really.  I usedta teach gymnastics back in the dinosaur days and I can't believe how incredibly talented she is."

"Well, thank you!.. We were sitting at home watching diving on the Olympics and she said 'I wanna try that...will you take me somewhere where I can try'?.. so, we came here."

"You mean she hasn't had oodles and oodles of instruction before?"

"NO.  this is her first time ever on the diving board."  Had I been in the deep end and heard this, I probably woulda drowned and my last blog woulda been my last blog - but thankfully I could touch on my tippy toes.. and I answered:

"NUH UH!  REALLY?"  "Yes, first time ever."

My mind raced forward, I glanced at the High School Record Board that was just above them, envisioned her name there, and then even further, seeing her in 2036 in the Los Angeles Olympics or wherever they will be then.

Turns out, she did have 5 years of gymnastics, but she honestly had never ever been on a diving board.  They have a jewel in this child.

I've never really known an Olympian. To my knowledge, we've never had one from our hometown.  All across the land, kids deam.  They get up and they go. Many don't stay at it.  Many choose Prom or cheerleading or becoming a parent or a nurse, a car mechanic or just about anything besides the dream to be an Olympian.

Of course it's unknown if this kid will ever make it, or even try to make it.  To me though, it was exciting to see the beginning of a dream.

Dreeeee-eeeee-eeeee-aaaammmmm, dream dream dream....

Love, Victurd

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