Tuesday, January 19, 2021

On Golden Lagoon....

Up and at 'em too incredibly early again today - I peeked at the 'lights' on Facebook to see who else was up and I thought about posting "Damn, I see the same people up this time of day every day... what's wrong with you folks?"    Oops.

The cat, dog posts.  Prayer postings.  Recaps from MLK day. Yes, Biden, Trump postings. Ads.  S'more ads.  Then one caught my eye:

"Get rid of 'em, they're old." That wasn't exactly what was said, but, it was exactly what was meant.

Was this spoken to folks at a bowling alley?  "I'm sorry folks, age 74 is the very oldest you may be here, please call a cab and head on back to your assisted living facility."\

"Officer?  Is this a sobriety checkpoint?  I quit drinking when Kennedy was in office.  I wasn't speeding either. Whatsup?"........"I'm sorry sir, we've revised the maximum driving age to 75, please get out of your car. Please call a relative to take you to the back 40 pasture." (As in, it's 'pasture' time.)

When I retired, I thought "maybe I might not wanna." So, I did the LinkedIn thing (patooey), went to a few job boards, entered logistics as a key phrase - then the emails came.  And more emails.  Finally one day - a call.  In a gregarious, too damn chirpy voice "Hey! Hi Vic!  How are you doing today?" In brevity we spoke about the day, maybe the weather, heck I don't remember, but then he asked "Hey, what year did you graduate from High School?"   "Ahm, 1970."   Click.  Crickets! I laughed, took a nap, watched TV for a couple hours, then took another nap.

The age discrimination thing at work... the Federal Government thing.  Do you know at what age you may begin to be discriminated?  40. Kinda shocked me.

Wiki.  I go to Wiki for everything I want to know but was afraid to ask someone.  You do dat?  People use a word, hell I dunno what it means, so I Google it.  Same with Wiki.  About how old people were treated, thought of over the ages, wise Wiki relates:

"Historical periods reveal a mixed picture of the "position and status" of old people, but there has never been a "golden age of aging".[ Studies have disproved the popular belief that in the past old people were venerated by society and cared for by their families.[Veneration for and antagonism toward the aged have coexisted in complex relationships throughout history. "Old people were respected or despised, honoured or put to death according to circumstance."

In ancient times, although some strong and healthy people lived until they were over 70 most died before they were 50. The general understanding is that those who lived into their 40s were treated with respect and awe. In contrast, those who were frail were seen as a burden and ignored or in extreme cases killed. People were defined as "old" because of their inability to perform useful tasks rather than their years."

Put to death? Hells bells Gertrude, let's run to Freverts and buy new locks for the front door!

Forgive me Father but I remember times being in line at the 7-11, some old geezer (sorry.. my vision was skewed, I was 30-something, not to discriminate against 30-somethings, ah, what the hell, I just did.) Anyways, an old guy was in line, I had five minutes to spare to get to work. Old feller had turned in 43 combined Lotto, scratcher thingys, and won a total of $7. He happily thought aloud, "hmm, do I buy that $2 #37 Gold Mine, or, #22, the $5 Triple Cash Crossword?"... Point being, I discriminated. I shouldna.  I abhor, hate discrimination.

As it turned out, neither of my folks lived in an assisted care or nursing home facility.  I've spent a bit of time visiting in each - and it was a mixture of extreme happiness, with a smidget of very sad thrown in. (As a kid, I was mid-transition from Cub Scout to Boy Scout, the very first Boy Scout task was to go to a church, do a good deed [pull weeds, pickup trash, yada] and get the pastor's signature.  I was deathly afraid.  Quit.  Our family was religious - we did not attend church.  Victor, why are you telling this?  Because, same thing with old folk's homes. I was afraid to go in one. Stupid stupid stupid I was, because when I finally did go, it was very, very heartwarming. Again, the sad cases of frailty just waiting for that moment - but most were at least mentally spry, very definately happy.

Ok, you've taken us down streets, alleyways, backroads, 2-lane roads, interstates...where you going with all this Victor?

I think age should not matter in occupation.  As long as one, any age, can do the job, the hell does it matter if they're 19 or 79?

We are mid "hurry up, get outta my way" society at present - and I think many trod on older folks. Seems society too has been that way for quite some time. You see it, I see it.  The 60-something year old employee is released due to 'cost cutting', but a 24 yr old is thrown in with the mix to nix the ageism lawsuit possibility.  The grocery clerk, convenience store dude, some, not all, treat old folks with no smile, and the 'hurry up and get outta here' approach.

As my wrinkles deepen, my pace slows, my naps increase - one thing I've found... and in talking to fellow geezers, seems to be true with them too..  I/we think young. God Bless young, no matter how old one is.

We, children of the corn...no, that ain't it...  we, children of the 50's, 60's watched, grew up, lived in a rebellious era.  It's been a fun trip.  I'm not huge on potty mouth, but sometimes I think it's fun for emphasis. I delight in seeing pictures on Facebook of old people flipping the bird.  Sorry (not really) I do.  It says, speaks, a lot.  Kinda like "bite me young'n, one day you'll get here too and you'll see what I mean."

The post this morning was about Term Limits and getting rid of old people in Congress.  Count me in on Term Limits.  As far as age, work "As long as one, any age, can do the job, the hell does it matter if they're 19 or 79?"

I've gotta pee now, then take a nap, then go buy a MegaMillions.  Happy day.

Love, Victurd

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