Monday, November 30, 2020

Ask Sherwin-Williams...

Harry S (for Nothing) Truman proudly held up the newspaper declaring "Dewey Wins"....  A longtime friend tells me that pic was taken at The Elms in Excelsior Springs, MO.  Cool.

Today, rare we ask Dewey (Decimal System) anything.  So, once again, Dewey loses.

We could ask Quora.. eHow...  wikiHow.. Yahoo! Answers.. Bing.. and of course the good old standby Google.  I tend to ask Google for help, one, because it pops up whenever I open a web page.  Sometimes though, my pc will get cyber-herpes, some damn other search engine will invade and I have to have and Act of Mitch McConnell to get it back to Google.  Griped, sorry, kinda.

I really have no idea where I'm going with this.  I have a beloved friend who monitors, announces, commentates (on Facebook) as the Chiefs play.  Yesterdays postings included:   Shit!...   Shit Shit Shit.. and finally, Woo Hoo, SUCK IT BRADY!... (those were it, her entire posts.)  So, I pictured being in her shoes, six years from now, when Facebook memories pop up and it relates "On this day six years ago.." and the post SHIT SHIT SHIT appeared.  Sorry, not very, to cuss - she's hilarious and has a wonderful heart to match.

My train of thought left the tracks - oh yeah, now I remember.  I read another friends post (and responses) - these recapped the just completed Chief's victory with:  "Where is the defense?"  "Better get heads back in game." "Should have won by three touchdowns."  "Defensive line was missing in action."  "Playing sloppy." TBC (that's To Be Continued, thought that paragraph was plenty long enough, better start anuther.)  

Heavens to Murgatroyd for the love of Sherwin-Williams!  One would think we'd hear Romeo Crennel crying on the post-game.. that the blood wasn't dry yet in that horrendous incident in the parking lot at Arrowhead.. and that the Chiefs now stand at 2 and 12. TBC.

Nope, the Chiefs won 27-24.  Against...against, the greatest quarterback of all-time. (Yes, our guy is headed toward that moniker, but too early to get carried away.)  Patrick now has enough minimum numbers now where he is though, the best of all-time in certain categories.  We are now 10-1. Tyreek had more yards in one quarter than Geiger Ready-Mix sells in a year's time, not to mention he challenges Nadia Comaneci in the floor exercise. TBC, sorry, kinda.

I get it.  Fan = fanatic. One win, we froth for two. Six wins, we finally lose, we don't speak to our spouse the entire way home after attending the Chief's party.  Win the Super Bowl, Feed Me Seymour! "NOT ENOUGH!"  Gimme s'more perty please.

In fairness - I've been there.  I gripe and groan with the best of 'em too.  I Googled something about being spoiled, and up popped "Quora" - where common folk like you and me (scary ain't it?) write in and give their opine.

First lady stated it all very well I thought.  "When you are spoiled, you think you have everything you want and need. You are never satisfied. And soon you discover you cannot really get everything you want."  Would make for a catchy tune eh Mick?

"I think sometimes we get what we want, but not what we need." Mick? Did you steal that?  TBC

"Happiness is based on fulfilled relationships and a feeling of worthiness that comes when you do things that better the lives of others.  Even small things like giving and older person a seat on the bus. (Hear that ya whippersnappers??!) or opening the door for someone.  Happiness doesn't go hand in hand with money and living a life of luxury." (And I ain't comparing the Football post to that, the simple message is we're oft spoiled.)

Growing up, little did we know Superman's "Faster than a speeding bullet" was talking about the internet.  Google.  Quora.  Ask Yahoo.  Bing (I hate Bing, GD [Gosh Darn] intruder.) 

If we old fart grandparents and parents allowed - our kiddos would live 24/7 with their eyeballs focused on a 2 1/2" by 5" screen, YesSireeBob, lotta places to get answers.. but thankfully we still have teachers, coaches, preachers, the older kid in the neighborhood, mom, dad, big brother, big sister, the scout leader, the boss at our first job - the True Google when Google wasn't cool.

We all, occasionally, can be a tad bit spoiled.  Speakinowhich, throw the damn Turkey day leftovers out, they're spoiled, you'll get trick-e-nosis.

Many ways to turn for answers.  The experts.  The committee of us common folk.  Professionals.  This site, that site.  I know, some you don't believe in. Thankfully, the old fashioned way as well. I believe in love, I believe in old folks. I believe in children. I believe in you. I believe in love. I believe in babies. I believe in mom and dad.  I believe in you.

Still, you can ask Google, Bing, Quora, Yahoo answers.. they might help.  Or, if you simply need the optimal temperature to paint outside.. you can ask Sherwin-Williams.

By Henry Gibson                                                                                                                       (Excerpts by Mick Jagger).


 (Tune in tomorrow for "55 great sites for when you need a break at work.")

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