Monday, April 13, 2020

I've been in the write place....

My ex, I'm biased, but she's a very pretty one.. anyways, she usedta get mad when there was a catcall, or an uncomfortable stare her way... I remember telling her "The time to worry is when you no longer hear or see them."

No one has really said "why don't you write any more?"... Well, one did I guess.. point is, it doesn't matter - I enjoy writing and I probably won't stop. $50 laptop on Craigslist, yippee, you're stuck again!

What a weird time of life eh? I remember all the fun of my/our Senior year in High School... running track.. prom.. the graduation ceremony - truly memories to last a lifetime.  For sure, worse things have happened - but I really feel for the kids that were denied that this year.

We are a nation of someone needing to grab the big damn zipper to adjoin the left and the right side.  It seems though, it won't go into the slot...or, even if it does, it's fer sure some material is gonna make it stick halfway up, or, if it's zipped to the top  it's guaranteed it will 'unravel' somewhere between the top and the bottom.

The Dems did it, in the Library, with a lead pipe, and the use of a media virus frenzy, diverting virus protection attention with impeachment and the idea of communism, in forcing quarantine for all.

The Donald did it, in the Kitchen, with the candlestick, when he did away with the pandemic department, naysayer on the magnitude of the virus.

Zippety doo dah, zippety day, we need uniting but it'll  get stuck halfway.

Seems our eyes are focused on the wrong things.  I win, you lose... you lose, I win..  I know I've allowed myself to get swept up in it.. for shame Victor.

Prayer instead.  Follow guidelines, let's get back to some semblance of where we were.

Bizarre though.  The happy:  we see more folks out walking.  Dogs are loving it.  What usedta be one guy or gal walking the hound is now mom, dad, big brother, little sister, and sometimes a stroller thrown in.  Families out playing in the yard.  Happy. Forced mebbe,  but at least recognized.

Not seeing extended family.  Young worrying about old, not wanting to expose them.  Old worrying about young, forwarding over dollar bills insteada hiding Easter eggs.

Zoom amongst family, co-workers, teams, etc.  I keep looking in those squares for George Gobel, Charlie Weaver, Rose Marie or Paul Lynde.

No church. No sports. Those are kinda sorta wants, sure, needed, but really a want.  Funerals.  Damn.  A need.  How horrible.

A previous life where I was pretty easily bored, finds me 'to tears' bored.  Jokes, memes about assured weight gain during all this stay at home time - I really have to admit, "it's time to eat (again)" is onea my favorite parts of the day now.

Empty shelves with missing TP, wipes, sanitizer, Lysol, thermometers, yada.  And, drum roll, now missing, hair dye.  When this is all over, the guys are gonna look like John, Paul, George and Ringo, and the gals are gonna have Big Hair (with grey lines)

The newspaper.  Filled to the gills about coronavirus.  I used to quickly turn the page when I saw a murder, car accident or similar.. now it's so rare to find, it's more like "Really?  Where?"

Where do you fall in the Goofus and Gallant of "I've been sequestered, I even get my groceries delivered" and "I've really not changed my ways too much.".???

I'm Goofus.  Go to Piggly Wiggly.  Work at a golf course.  I know, essential right?  Article in paper today giving pro's (good exercise, no touch, carts sanitized after each use) and cons "what about the workers sanitizing the carts?".. Gulp.. Donald, Joe and I aren't wearing masks

I've got the, I mean I've got to run.

Play it safe.  Do as I say not as I do.

Sorry this wasn't fun or clever.  Victor, when were you ever funny or clever?  Eh, right you are, right you are.

Take me out to the ballgame.....please?

By Henry Covid Gibson,

Love, Victurd

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