Saturday, November 09, 2019

I'm gonna wait 'til the midnight hour........

Went to WallyWorld.. Son living with me part-time, wanted soda pop... OK, can do. Like any trip there, interesting people.. Blinders on, "go straight to soda pop aisle, get the hell out" took me right past the Milk Duds... oh ok..can do... then damn if they didn't have rotisserie chickies on sale for $4.50... oh ok... Finally, pop loaded in cart. like any trip to WallyWorld, $7 intention turned into $13 checkout.

To/fro, I worried, searched, dreaded not finding a writing topic. The two mile or so trek home included like 34 lane changes due to construction, folks planted on the white lines w/turn signals on, begging to get over. Red Rover red rover, bring your Chevy on over, but perty please don't take all day..

Where was I? Oh yeah.. weaving, bobbing, driving, braking, greenlighting, redlighting...what scenery - I'm too busy trying to figure out which lane I should be in on this road I've driven for 51 years. Victor, you gripe too much.. Where was I?

Oh yeah, thinking of junk to write about. It was then, just then, as I traversed up the hill to The Square I saw the most beautiful lady I've seen in at least four hours... awaiting the line outside at a breakfast joint.. so... what's a pig to do? He drives around the Square, back down the hill.. makes a left turn, and traverses the road where the pretty lady was standing. I ain't waiting on the midnight hour any longer.

I know I know I ain't dead.. and I know I know I have hopefully some more trips around the sun... but what the hey ya know?

Much hasn't changed, but age has changed me. Uh huh, the bod takes it's toll, so why not accentuate the positive of aging?. Whilst aging can be, usually is saggy, wrinkly, leaned-over-walkingly - I ain't gonna wait til the midnight hour and the withering away within and all the while keeping positive thinking from being unleashed.

See a pretty face.. I might turn around in the aisle and go see it again. See a really nice smile.. don't walk past it Victor, let that person know "Hey, you've got a really cool smile." Come into contact with a couple that you can tell they are emotionally super glued to one another? Ask 'em how that all started.. "How did you guys meet, and where'd ya go on your first date?"

Among the answers I've gotten recently... "well, I was 19, her daddy lemme fish in their pond, she was 14, and I guess the rest is history" (this was a couple that played golf where I work on their 50th anniversary...oh, and they didn't wait until the midnight hour, they chagrinned a cart and walked the course instead!)... "Skating rink.. 42 years ago." "In a bar... like interests I guess.".. "Very small town, I was a teacher, she was a student, but there's more to explain." I smiled, it's all good, I don't needta know!

There be some truth about the dangers or retirement in that "if you don't move, you'll die." I very much wish that meant I've been going to the gym, I threw out my size 36" jeans and bought 34" jeans. To the contrary, I'm donating my 36's and am now in 40's... breathing room, but I needs 'em. My "if you don't move, you'll die" isn't necessarily the most constructive of ways - but it's been a nice awakening.. I've pretty much always written what I feel - but now, I verbalize that as well. Crap like "I really admire you"... "Thanks for coming to play golf"... "I'm really glad, at our age, we can still do this" - statements that for years went unsaid, are now creeping outta my, and my friends mouths. Hell, ya even hear the word love more nowadays.

Past arguments don't last until the midnight hour.. you fist bump, shake hands or hug, then say things like "you go ahead and sit up front, I'm good"... or, "how's your hip (back/knee, leg, pee/no pee, bursitis, arthritis, u get the drift.).. ya care. So ya doin't wait til midnight.

Are we now perfect? Hell to the no, but why not have your coffee, steak, garden, bed, car, outlook, attitude - how ya like it? 2020 is scary enough no matter which side you're on - don't wait til midnight, enjoy living in the now.

Victor, you preaching again? Nope, simply enjoying. Oh sure, life has it's moments - we couldn't suckup (and apperchiate) the good if life was easy.. there would be no uplift without downfall.

I like your car. That's a really cool top. If I had your clothes, I'd donate all mine to Immacolata Manor.. Your baby is so danged cute. You must be on drugs, you're always happy (< I strongly endorse this one, it ALWAYS brings a smile)..

' Live. Love. Don't wait. I guess if this is preaching, so be it. Preaching comes with 'pews', and sure, I've had bad breath, smelly pits, farts that slip out, that stuff.. I am human smell me roar, ha.

Like life whilst we can.. don't wait until it's likeable - regardless of what Wilson Pickett wrote.

Close your ears. I just emailed someone "You shoulda been/should be a movie star." Creepy? Mebbe. Stalker? NO. Odds stacked agin', but, worst case, if I can bring her one moment of comfort, 'feel-goodery' should she ever get down, why not? She knows how I feel. I ain't waitin' til midnight on nuttin' any longer.

Love, why not... Victurd

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