Friday, August 16, 2019

Weebles Wottle but they don't fall down......

I know, I know it's 'wobble', but I'm talkin' Dave, as in Dave Wottle.

Ya gotta be old to remember him, but I am that.  As a child, Dave's Doctor said "You're kind of feeble, you need to do something to strengthen yourself, like running."  So he did.  Man did he.

He wore his hair tucked up under his hat and when people went in to ask him why, it was no protest, no hidden meaning - he simply wore his hair long and the hat kept his hair out of his eyes.

In 1972, he ran the most incredible race I ever remember watching.  Munich, Germany.. The Olympics.  800 Meter run.  600 hundred meters into it - he was last.  Dead last.  One by one he passed runner after runner, finally passing the favored Yevreny Arzhanov of the Soviet Union (no intended hidden meaning here) to win the Gold Medal by 0.03 seconds.  Wottle wobbled, but he didn't fall down.

I love it when people wobble, but don't/won't fall down.

"When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time the tide will turn."  Harriet Beecher Stowe.

Thanks for never giving up Harriet.

"I get knocked down, but I get up again, you are never gonna keep me down."  Tubthumping

Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team.  "I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot, and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

Dude was fired at an early age from his newspaper job for "lack of good ideas."  Started an animation company in 1921, went bankrupt.  He was literally eating dog food to subsist.  Wobble or quit?  Started ANOTHER animation company, and you know the "Paul Harvey" - far out Walt.

This ain't all about lifestyles of the rich and famous, it's about you, me, today.  We all get down, then have to change the damn flat tire.  We wanna throw in the towel, but thank God we go to the laundromat instead.

Words.  Words of other's pelt us, scar us.  Our own minds, they can betray us, belittle us.  Addiction blinds us.  We allow envy to sink us.  Second place can debilitate us.  Never believe that (Yevreny you're a damn good runner.)

"Work hard, be honest, help people, never give up, love your fellow man and woman, give back to society, and don't ever discriminate."  Jesse White

Drive (for awhile) with that donut on.  Sit in General Admission instead, and appreciate just being there.  Not enough $ for that?  Listen on the radio or watch on TV, it's wobbling, but not falling down.  Follow me to the Thrift Store, I'm buying some 'new' clothes.

"No matter how devastating our struggles, disappointments, and troubles are, they are only temporary."  Josh McDowell

Humor can help.  You know, like the old bar in Liberty.  The Wiggle In.  Wiggle in, wobble out (but don't fall!)  Or.... "Beer, now there's a temporary solution."  Dan Castellaneta

Teasing, kinda.  There are two people VERY near and dear to me who have recently teetered on the cliff of giving up.  I know I am not alone in knowing someone like that.  Close your ears.  Been there, THANK GOD I didn't give up.  They can't (and didn't) either.

There are 7.53 billion 'guts' (people) in the World.  That's 12.06 billion shoes (or thereabouts.. remember?  Humor can help!).  Thus, odds are long we're all gonna get kicked in the gut.  Wobbling is ok, just get up if you temporarily fall.

"No matter how small you may feel you make a big difference in this world."  Unknown

Gotta sec?  Always remember, you are amazing:

Life ain't a pass/fail.  It's a wonderful wobble.

"Aha," you say, "you wrote this whole blog and you NEVER mentioned God?"..  There.  Thanks, you just did, and I concur about faith in God!

Weebles wobble but they don't fall down.

Love, Victurd

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