Thursday, August 01, 2019

Until Death Do Us Depart, Debark and Debate - HyVee or the Piggly Wiggly?......

And the sign said 'Longhaired freaky people need not apply.'   So, he refused to tuck his hair up under his hat and no one asked him why.  51 years ago, my 2nd cousin married the man of her dreams.  They were both kinda hippy-types.  Wonderful folks, I'm biased of course, but anyone that knows them agrees.

They'd purchased a VERY run down old grist mill on The Big River near St. Louie.  "The house of our dreams."  Many scoffed.  Even the clergyman performing the ceremony said "I give it a year."

Fast forward.  Fast forward ain't really the right term.  I prefer, 'A wonderful, long,  slow dance forward' and they are set to spend their 51st anniversary nite in - of course - a Tipi in the Ozarks.  While it ain't the normal Tipi ("crisp sheets, a warm shower, soap and towels, candles and a bottle of wine, queen size bed, assortment of teas, coffees, grill, utensils, hammock, propane or wood fire rings, books, games, yada, supplied.")  It's them, in a rather large nutshell.

She asked herself "Why have we made it to our 51st anniversary?" and her answer recently popped up on a Facebook feed:

"A perfect relationship is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other."

Get out the Tide Pods, cause yes, dangerous curves, dirty laundry, hypocrisy, and marital advice ahead.

One time, no, not band camp, one time - at smoke break at work, there were twelve of us - up agin' the brick building to hide in nature's shadow from the sun.  The subject of stopping smoking came up, and Kim (I love Kim as a good, wonderful friend) stepped out and said "I can tell you six good ways to stop smoking" as she raised her right hand for emphasis, while holding a cig in her left.  Never before in my life have I been a smartass (please don't go back and read any other blogs), but, this day I was, and i stepped up, spouted "Kim, you giving advice on quitting smoking is like me giving marital advice."  What?  Me Worry? of two-time "winner" (loser) marital fame.

I'm going to hell.  Probably will.  One big reason, not long ago, an ex of mine (I've had two, you deduct) posted a huge, wonderful saying-thingy about "Never giving up", a twelve paragraph prose regarding her thankfully (and I too am glad for her) now long-time marriage.  The going to hell part, yeah, that's me, 'cause I responded with one of those laughing-face meme thingys.  Long ago, I coached a gal in basketball, her key phrase was "if it feels good, do it".. I did it, smack me, it felt good.

I don't have any marital advice really.  Each, every one of us will "do wrong", ie, we're human.  Yes, I believe there are some marriages, the vast minority, where the actions/behaviors of one, eventually brings it to a screaching halt.  Mostly though, we're both right, wrong,

To the Piggly Wiggly or HyVee?  Night owl/early riser?  Homebody, life of the party?   Intro/Extro?  Liberal/Conservative?  Cruise to Bora Bora, or, tent camping at the lake.

Give, take.

We've all, mostly, been touched by suicide.  It is said "it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem."  I am NOT suggesting divorce is anything like suicide - but divorce is, my take, a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

I was wrong, she was wrong.  I wasn't perfect, she wasn't perfect.  Copy and paste same for marriage number two.  Perhaps you/yours.

Mostly old farts come here, so if you're an old fart and you're here, and you roll over and see the same person laying next to you that's been there since Nixon was in office - kudos, truly.  You've taught us it's a give and take.  Not, a give up.

I literally cried the second time I said "Until Death Do Us Part" because I'd already said it once.  AIN'T saying I was perfection, Lord knows not the case.  Ain't saying her fault, Lord knows that not to be true either.

Will say, we can be overcome by moments, shout "I give up" when refusal to give up is possible, and problem(s) can be overcome - even when emotion seemingly gets the best of us.

Crawling back under my rock now, I don't do pedestals.  Also, please know, I LOVE (and have always loved) my life!

Bless those that never gave up - you've got a long list of admirers.  Ever eat a pine tree?  Er, I mean, ever slept in a Tipi?  Have a wonderful night Jeannie and Jim, and said lovingly, ya damn grippy hippies!  (Oh yeah.. the dilapidated grist mill? Milled board by milled board, limestone slab by limestone slab, it is beyond words in beauty.  It is, THE #1 site for weddings in the St. Lous area - impossible to describe, but a marvel, just like the owners.)

Peace out.......

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