Thursday, March 08, 2018

Styrofoam and a nicely sealed hull...

Whatever floats one's boat.

I was gonna "save the world" and try doing a blog on "what makes one happy".. I Googled, I wrote. I backspaced over a full page of gobbledy gook that bored the hell outta me.

Then, I thought maybe I'd take a peek thru children's eyes, you know, "what makes kids happy?" and there wasn't much on it. It was all pointed more at how to parent. Whyintheheck do we mandate to parents "how to make your kid happy" when we should be going to the source and finding out from kids, just what makes them happy. So, I backspaced s'more.

I had the idea, "hey, maybe I'll do a 'Recipe to Happiness' and list cooking measures, using the standards teaspoon, tablespoon, cup, quart, yada - and throw in some fun ones like pinch, dash, smidgen... that too bored me and besides, I can't cook..howinthehell am I gonna do/make a recipe for happiness?

So, after 1, 2 & 3 above failed, I'd struck out. I once professed "if I ever strike out in slowpitch, I'm quitting the damn game." Well, I struck out. Uh oh, what now? I kept playing. I guess it's like the old man that says "I don't wanna live to be 90," so, when he's 89 years and 364 days old, ya might ask him again about that. Thus, I write on.

I know, I'll do song titles to relate what makes us happy. Victor, that's your dumbest idea yet. Cool, here goes:

"Why can't we be friends?" This'n plays large.. could be a relationship broken.. kids of different colors, backgrounds, socio-economic means.. Libs, conservatives, introverts, extroverts, young, old.. whythehell can't we be friends? WE CAN.

"What a wonderful world." There ain't no leaving this one out. There ain't no one on earth (is that a double negative?).. there ain't no one on earth that can envision Louie Armstrong's smile and NOT be happy. The lyrics, the beat, the him - the relating "trees of green, skies of blue" - yeah baby, that's what I'm talking about. What Louie said. THAT is happy.

"Don't worry, be happy." This one is damned hard. We all worry. Some of us more than others. We have different worries. To the outhouse by Willie Makeit.. you'll shoot your eye out... more bills than bucks.. one's health.. the hole in my jeans.. my car's so old I won't even qualify to drive for Uber.. you know, different worries..

"Just put on a happy face." Gray skies ARE gonna clear up. Take off the gloomy mask of tragedy, it's not your style, you'll look so good that you'll be glad you decided to smile.... ya know, mebbe it is half the battle here.

"You've made me so very happy." I reckon that works. You know what Mark Twain said about a compliment. You don't? He said "I can live for two months on a good compliment." It's true, it's reawwy twue. Even us old fart males, engrained forever with 'don't show emotion', can have emotion, say something nice (and sincere) about someone. Been there, heard it, and it DOES feel good. Mebbe even said it, a time or two, and THAT really feels good too.

"Oh happy day (oh happy day.)".. I'm an old dog, relatively new to religion. I'm, quite frankly, loving it. Not attempting conversion, just speakin' my mind. Not for all, I realize. All for some.

"Why don't we do it in the road." Victor, really? And did you have to put it right after that one? Eh, a little perversion never hurt anyone, did it? My take anyways. If one can't have fun about, with, within intimacy.. oh, nevermind. I would say to naysayers, lighten up a tad.

"I feel good".. you tell 'em James. We, way too much bitch/moan about this, that, why not state it whenya feel good? I feel good, nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-na... like I knew that I would.. nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-na... so good, so good..

"Tubthumping".. this one's gotta be on the list. Yep, ya get knocked down, ya get up again. Go ahead life, make my day - I can handle it.

"You're my best friend." I don't think this one needs much explanation. BFF's make life LOL and AOK. BFF's pick you up when you're ROFLMAO.

"All star." Hey now, you're an All Star, get your game on, go play. Hey now, you're a rock star, get the shoe on, get paid.

"Feeling groovy."... "Happy days are here again"... "If you're happy and you know it."... "Ain't no mountain high enough." "Here comes the sun.".. "Start me up.".. "Your love keeps liftin' me higher."

Ok, I'm outta here. Maybe I just needed a pick me up. Sorry, kinda. Someone once told me "Life is REALLY GOOD, if you let it be."

"When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be."

Sorry (again).. kinda. Music does make me happy. I hope it does for you as well.

Don't worry, be horny, damned autocorrect, I meant happy,

Love, Victurd

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