Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Take me away Calgon....

As stresses built up, the schemers, writers, funny guys that did the ad bit for Calgon in 1988, created commercials showing folks in mid distress - pleading "Take me away Calgon" and in a flash, all was AOK and a lady was shown on her back in the tub, bubbles up to the edge'a the tub, woes satiated.

I miss a bath. I know dudes are supposed to be shower folks, but I ain't. I agree, sans the bubbles, it's one of the most "life, get the hell outta here" things a person can do. I think if I were to once again get on a dating site, I'd list "Must have bathtub" as one'a the haveta's.. ha... as I now have apartment, no bathtub.

But hark, what could have been so bad in 1988 to raise those stress levels to the point of breaking, desperately in need of that sudsy bath? So I gandered...

Hmmmm... The world's first internet virus. Hit the road hack, and don't ya come back no mo' no mo' no mo' no mo', hit the road hack, and don'tya come back no mo.' What'd you say?

The bomb on Pan Am flight 103.. Damn, a familiar ring to it.

Prozac sold for the first time.. HA, I KNEW IT! No wonder!

IBM PC w/30MB Hard Disk, Mono Monitor and 512K Memory = $1249.00... Dot Matrix Printer = $299.00... Logitech Mouse $89.99.. CRIMINY! Gimme that tub!

Crack appears for first time. Geez. Over 1/3 of Yellowstone National Park destroyed by a series of 250 small fires..

Russia was beginning the transformation from a communist dictatorship into a multiparty democracy with regular elections. Did he just say Russia?

So, with the exception of maybe today buying a laptop, complete with mouse, printer for $399, the more things change, the more they stay the same..... ie, Stress.

What do you do when stress happens?

When I think of women, I think of wine. It seems to be the elixir of this millennium, a Calgon so to speak. In fact, a friend has a Bunco group - ceptin' they never played Bunco, so, one day it was decided, "let's call it what it is" = LDC (Ladies Drinking Club).. so, they get away from stress, work, kids, and most importantly, men.

Those of us Facebookers, we whine. So, stress heightens.. "the hell do we do now?"...

We turn off the laptop, the power to the phone.. we dim the lights.. we play a little Ray Charles (or, you, pick your fancy).. we sit, and we blob in the easy chair. I ain't never really had a bon bon, gimme a Frito Scoop and melted cheese any ole day.

Or, we 'pet'. With the hound, or the cat. They have no idea to the outside world, well, other that it's where you get to smell stuff and pee and poop.. you know, they ain't got the same everyday stresses we humans have to deal with.

Some of us even have weekends. Newly retired, I have yet to forget the feeling of driving home on a Friday afternoon, seeing that building disappear in the rear view mirror.. AH, Calgon, 1999 Mercury, take me away.

We eat food, we garden, we mow, we paint, we shop, we stare at our phones, we write, we build, we stare at our phones (NO DAMNIT!) we sometimes even do nuttin', we have sex, take me away Calgon, take me away from this dadgum thing called life!

Oh happy day (oh happy day)... Oh happy day (oh happy day).. When Jesus washed (when Jesus washed), When Jesus washed (when Jesus washed), When Jesus washed (when Jesus washed), He washed my sins away (oh happy day).. Oh happy day (Oh happy day).. and yes, we pray..

We rested.

Not much has changed in 30 years... Well, other than I threw my scale away, took down the full sized door mirror and replaced it with one 6" wide, hehe. Oh, and I've now got a 3" circle on toppa my head that's getting pretty sparse on hair.. Ain't from age though, it's from me scratching my head asking "the hell did he just say?" Happens, in those stress moments.

Take me away Calgon.

I wonder if they've got any products that combat facial wrinkles?

Love, Victurd

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