Friday, February 08, 2013

I'm weird........

but you knew that.....

As I hacked and coughed my way down the apartment stairs to my car this morning... I decided to check my mailbox en route. It's an 8 inch tall, 3 inch wide mailbox, that if not checked every couple days certainly causes the mailman consternation.

On this morning, I had one letter. It certainly looked official, so I opened it, and lo and behold, it was a sale's pitch for life insurance...

As I drove to work... I asked myself, "if you suddenly keel Victor, is everything in order, planned, paid for?" and I am reasonably sure it is. Then, I asked myself "have you decided between a small service (and kegger after) or cremation?"... And I'm still not sure. Guess that should best be decided huh?

I continued........ "If you do have a service, whointhehell would be your pallbearers?"

Wow... Good question.. I guess not to hurt their arms, I should probably plan on six...

The first, two, three names came easily. Then it was a struggle.. I communicate with two of the three pretty regularly... I finally got to five... then ultimately figured the sixth..

Then I asked myself "Victor, what kind of friend have you been, if you would consider asking these people... and it's been awhile since you called, emailed, written, texted.. communicated just how important they've been in ur life?"

And I felt sheepish.


Sure, gruesome to think of one's own demise - but too, puts things in perspective.

I write to me, for me... hitchhikers welcome.

Message is, let those in your life who bear importance, whom you are very thankful for the interrelationship, know.

Going to bed now. The good Lord willing, I will awaken, and if I do, I plan to somehow 'touch' all six soon.


Love, Victurd.

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