Sunday, February 24, 2013

Fun = Life, Life = Fun


Little word, looms large. It's fun, watching folks have fun.

Fun is happy, light, special - unique to individuals, groups, families.. events, celebrations - even remembrances...

I work with a guy who is head over heels for his lady friend of 5 years. "Vic, she just makes everything in life more fun." Cool. Example.. She had an eyeball that was slightly off center.. worsened over the years...... so..... she went, had surgery. Of course my buddy accompanied her, made sure she made back home ok.. drove back into work... and when he got home, there she was with patch over eye, wearing a pirate outfit/hat, complete with parrot on her shoulder. Coulda been "oh woe is me"
lying in bed, yet - she chose fun.

Cousin posted a short video of her great niece/nephew, who obviously have learned "fun can happen anywhere." Yes, there they were, aisle 7 of Home Depot, dancing, spinning - partaking in fun - for no particular reason. I mean like, isn't that what Aisle 7 of life is for?

I once heard a lady say "oh, I don't know how one can go through life laughing, acting silly all the time... it actually kinda disgusts me." Kinda reminds me how much fun "pissing in cornflakes" sounds.

Fun brings laughter, titillation, exhilaration - thus, I would think good for the circulatory system. Fun lends smiles, thus, prettier/more handsome youths and adults alike.

Yes, seriousness can and does have to happen - but even in that, there are windows where fun can assist.

Fun brings families, groups, individuals together. Fun weaves a bond. Fun brings on feel good, and ain't that kinda the nature of this game?

Fun is contagious - witness forwarded email silly's... trite, light posts and shares on FB. We each immerse ourselves with what we find, brings us - fun.

“I know it is wet and the sun is not sunny, but we can have lots of good fun that is funny.” Dr. Suess, Cat In The Hat.

“It ain't no fun if the homies can't have none. ” Snoop Dogg.

“So, have a little fun. Soon enough you'll be dead and burning in Hell with the rest of your family.” George Carlin.

“Rules should always be bent, if not broken. It's the only way to have any fun.” Alyson Noel.

I remember, in times it was evident a family member wasn't to be with us much longer - it's been kind of an unsaid family rule to upon occasion, mix in fun, a funny. The person on the way out wanted it that way. Me too whenever that time comes, I could only be so honored. In the meantime:

Worlds of Fun. Fun happens. I can't remember when i've had to much fun. THAT, was fun.

I had so much fun in college, I think my brain might got stuck there. Our fraternity's little song diddy is unique to our fraternity, but not unlike any other frat, or group, or family:

Us Sigma Nus, we like to live, but when it comes to die,
You'll never hear us moan and groan, you'll never hear us sigh
We'll walk right up to the pearly gates, you bet your ass we do,
For at the gates we meet St. Pete, and he's a Sigma Nu!

Meantime, I hope you/I/us all have some fun. Love, Victurd.

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