Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Snow, then, snow, now........

"MOM, did you see it, did you see it?.. 4, 5 & 9, yep, each one! NO SCHOOL!"

"Yuck... oh well... at least I've got 12 choices of reality shows... 8 college basketball games, 4 different Two and a Half Men episodes, Repo games, Sportscenter and the Insanity workout as choices."


"Can I go sleddin'? The Flanigans are already outside?!!!"

"Yes, cat. I think I will emulate you today. Persnickety, and "ugh"."


"THAT, was fun! Tim Flanigan made it the furthest... From the tip top of Jewell Hall, all the way to 312 Franklin Street!.. Is the hot chocolate ready?"

"Closing these damn shades... I can't take the brightness... I guess it's GD (gosh darn) Raisin Bran insteada the Perkins '55 Plus Classic Egg Favorite."


"Hey mom, can the Flanigan's come in and play? Will you make us homemade snow ice cream?"

"I've had twelve cups of coffee. Gotta pee. Just smoked my last cig. It's 75' from here to the car, and 8" of snow in between. Decisions, decisions."


"Hey, we're gonna go in the front yard and make an igloo. Can I get a dry pair'a gloves, and is it ok if I put on a dry pair of jeans? I'll use the ones with the patches on the knees."

"Got my cigs. My feet are freezing. Warm bath, nap ahead."


"MOM! It's so cool... COME LOOK! Even Gabe (our hound) got in the igloo with us!"

"GD (gosh darn) cat. Just when I'd snoozed off, you felt the GD (gosh darn) urge to nap on my forehead."


"I sure hope Dan Henry has good news for us again tomorrow morning! Is that Chili I smell cooking? Do we have some Fritos to dip in with it?"

"I've sat at this damn computer for almost four hours now... read, reread every FB post, twice. Forwarded six goofy emails. I can't believe I'm saying this - I'd almost rather be at work."


"Dad, that inner tube in the basement from the '58 Buick.. can we use it?"

"I'm comforted by the fact my son didn't have to work, be out in this, and that I know my grandbabies are warmly dressed."


"THANKS mom/dad... this day has been THE BEST! I know we'll have to make up the snow day, but I hope we get 7 more inches so we can do it all again tomorrow!"

"Scottsdale...... Fort Myers... Padre Island... San Diego.... hurry Spring... PLEASE?"


"Thanks for the fire in the fireplace dad!.. I can feel my toes now! YAY!"

"Oh SNAP. Power out. GD (gosh darn) electric heat. I can't feel my fingers it's so cold."


Oh the weather outside is frightful... But the fire is so delightful.. And since we've no place to go... Let is snow, let it snow, let it snow....

Oh happy day, oh to be a kid again... Love, Victurd.

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