Thursday, November 22, 2012

There is a lot to be thankful for....

I am thankful for our troops everywhere in the world who sacrifice so that our great country can maintain freedom.

Smiles. Eyes that familiarly meet. A door held. Texts. Sunshine. Rain. Critters, and the excitement with which they demonstrate.

A dog off a leash. A cat who gives you that 'for real?' look when you call it by name.

Loyalty. Care. Trust. Bosses who don't fire me when I make stupid errors that cost our company. Bosses who reward/share the wealth.

Relationships, every kind. Hope. The excitement of tomorrow. Money, and knowing all will be ok when there ain't any.

People that have to work today, and appreciation of their sacrificing to do so. Gas that's back under $3/gallon. A car that starts. A fridge that runs, a furnace that brings warmth.

Dimples. A nice derriere, sorry.. kinda.

Youth - their excitement, and those older who are able to maintain that excitement in life. Routine. No routine. Trying new things. Repeating things done with anewed enjoyment.

Givers. A beer bought and being able to by one for another. Compliments. Health.

Gulp, the fact we at least have a major league baseball team and a national football league team in our town.

Equality. Facebook. Email. The internet. Expressing, no matter the type/method.

Pecan pie, pumpkin pie, turkey, dressing.......... Snickers, Butterfingers.. Chili Cheese Fritos... Pulled pork, scrumptious ribs.. A 300 burger. Breakfast, cigs and coffee at Nelly Belle's..

Bonfires, firepits, and friendship aound same. People my age. People older. People younger. People of different colors, religions, nationalities, and gulp again, political views.

I'm thankful that wasn't the last panel of toilet paper I just used.

Handshakes, fist-bumps, a hand on the shoulder.

Teammates. Running mates. Gulp, past mates.

Medical personnel. A good HR department. Having a job I do not dread at all driving to.

Kissing. Sorry, kinda. Anticipation. Walking when running is desired.

Smiles on those whose life has not given them a fair deal.

Coffee. Miller Lite.

The ability to go ahead and write a blog when I should be in the shower getting ready for family comraderie and the fact they won't be upset if I'm a couple minutes late.

MU, and fans alike.. gulp, yes, even KU, their fans.

The crack of a bat. The "umph" of a tackle. The near silence of a 'swish'.

Bosses that pretty much leave old farts alone to do their job, and understand the appreciation of doing so.

I know I've forgotten, missed a lot. Comes with aging.

Aging. Brownspots and the ability to scrape them off, only to have them return like a hound fetching a ball.

Happy Thanksgiving. Happy day. Happy hour. Happy minute.

Spellcheck, and having the ability to swerve around it when they tell you firepits ain't a word.

Big Gulps.

Love, Victurd.

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