Tuesday, November 20, 2012

"And you are?"......

I know. It's almost Thanksgiving. I should be chirpy, "Gobble Gobble".. Eh, I figure there are enough do-gooders sprouting good(said lovingly, and genuinely, and admirably)out there that I'm safe to offset with a bitch session.

"And you are?" (when calling a company you work with..... mosta the time they're a vendor, and you are PAYING them money")

"Think of me as a naked baby... just like everyone else who enters this world... I realize some grow to greater heights, become more honorable, uh huh, more important.. but let's pretend we're all naked babies calling you... CAN YOU JUST TRANSFER ME TO MARGARET?"


"I am.. ahm.. This it Tom... Tom Selleck".. .to which one obviously very young receptionist replied "Just a minute Mr. Selleck, I'll transfer you now".. followed closely by "I KNEW IT WAS YOU!!!!(giggles)"

"And you're with?"...

"Wilson and Ditch Digging America" but that wouldn't be right, because that, in and of itself too, is discrimination.

Victor, geez Louise, it really is a time to give thanks.. so can you DO THAT?"

Ok... I love a company we deal with, they answer with "It's a great day at (enter name of company here) HOW may I direct your call?" Far out.. A nursery of babies.. all grown.. calling in one-by-one, each as important as the other.

Voicemail. May I stop on this almost THANKSgiving day and bitch about voicemail? Too bad, I'm gonna. Frustrating thing. I realize people go to lunch, pee, smoke, pick up sick kids from school/day care, take vacation.. are away from their desks... And sure, I get voicemails at work too, so color me guilty (or normal)... Our work is not life or death critical - but there are occasions where we have GOT to talk to someone, NOW.

(We move freight. Sometimes the bill of lading we've faxed them has grown feet, and walked away, the truck is there, driver calling dispatcher, in turn calling us.. Sometimes they say, "nope, we don't have that shipment"... It could be a multitude of things, but, a truck is there, there is a problem, and we need an answer... a warm-fuzzy voice... a... after 4-5 tries into voicemail)

You punch ZERO (upon voicemail).... and are met with "I'm sorry, that's an invalid entry"... or... you get reconnected with "And you are?" chirpy person, you tell 'em what's transpired.. "I'd be happy to take a message, and take your phone number for them to call you back as soon as it's possible for them"......."You no comprende, the truck is AT YOUR DOCK, there's a problem, we need help/an answer... GD (gosh darnit) can you just find someone who can help me?)...

Or maybe "I'm sorry, (so-and-so) is unavailable at present, I'd be happy to take a message for (that B, that A-hole who never picks up their phone but smiles gayly upon logging on to their bank website to see their payroll direct deposit) and have them get back to you at their first opportunity"... and all the while your BP is increasing, screw the fact that Turkey Day and Christmas are nearing... and you reduce to "nevermind"...

I love my job, I do. It's the little things in life that get my goat........

Getting in line at Mickey D's behind someone who says "well... give me just a bit to look at the menu" (and they've been here 4,723 times, driven 17 miles to order [think about what you want?].. The guy/gal with 29 items in the 15 items or less checkout lane.. The guy at the four-way stop who got there when Bush was president, but won't move an inch. The person you pass in the morning at the gas station on your way to get a cuppa coffee, get ur eyes open, you nod, say "Hi" and NOTHING in return.

The boss who has his secretary record his voicemail greeting. REALLY?

Ok, I'll admit. 99% of the time life goes great, people are amazing.. service workers give great service... people hold the door open for you... people you hold the door open for smile and say "Thank you".. People are givers. If ever in need of help, they're amazing.

I am thankful for life, people, events, carrying on's of this planet. I do, however, very much enjoy sometimes coming from left field.

Sorry... Kinda.. Happy Thanksgiving, Victurd

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