Saturday, April 21, 2012

April musings....

Hope. We KC folks, every year, hope springs eternal. Baseball Ray, baseball. This year, even more hype, hope. "Our time." Eight losses in a row - sometimes, likens life. Down, down, down, down happens - inspitea which, you gotta remember simply how much fun it is to stand and sing "Take.. me out to the ballgame.. take.. me out to the crowd."

Conversation... friends.. "What's been your favorite 'decade' of your life? 0-10? Teens? 20's? 30's? 40's? 50's?".. After some seemingly deep thought, the general consensus was '20's'.. Makes sense I spose. The newfoud adulthood, coupled with the still attached childhood invigorism, topped off by "no parental responsibilities yet" (not to mention raging hormones).

Annuder conversation: I highly recommend this experiment with a group of friends, no matta how well (or not) you know them: "Tell us something we don't know about you?". Fun the stuff you learn. 'Twas even funner when all the chicks got up to go to the restroom and we gents sank the conversation to hilarious, fun, lows.

The mole game at Chucky Cheese. I know I've mentioned this one before, don't care. You remember the game.. ya stand there with a mallet, and every time a mole pops up, you try to smack it down. Likens life too, and sometimes difficulties wading through, being a happy mole. I knew this feller, he told me he had a REALLY crappy week at work. I asked why.. He said "I ain't real sure why some folks are put in management positions.. the ones I've noticed, GREAT business savvy, no leadership skills. It's never "Catch 'em doing good" - it's always "tromp on them when you (seek and) find that mistake." I warned this feller to use caution, "cause I've heard of lawsuits, terminations from stuff put on the web." He told me "I don't give a rats, I tire of being their mole." I told him he was either brave or stupid.

Uplifting. April is pretty decent for uplifting. Ya drive around town, ya see activity. Thoughts turn from "it's cold.. let's get home.. eat dinner.. watch TV.. observe the gas meter dial racing"... to "whatinthehell can we go do now?".. (Excitedly) "whereinthehell can we go now?".. "Let's thinka some new places, things to do.".. "I'll go grab my shorts/T-shirt/sandals." "Top down?".. "SURE!"..

April is kinda a new beginning. Change. Again, hope. Excitement. Invigorism. "Can't wait!".. Planning. Doing. Going. Interaction. Alive.

April is a great reflection time for us old turds. We see the kids go/do, and it kinda-sorta brings back our childhood. For certain, our smiles. Our "I remember when I could do that." A pep in the step. An excitement to awakening daily. Happy folks. April is contagious.

Got abouta third left of April. May you go/do/have fun until May - and continue throughout the course of the summer. I'm sure gonna try. Love, Moleturd.

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