Sunday, February 05, 2012

I need a tickling.....

I actually had one person say "why aren't you writing any more?"... I just KNEW someone read this damn thing once!

Sometimes life likens a manual transmission that simply won't go into gear. Winter has been a manual transmission that won't go into gear. Please 'shift', get it on so we can be done with it!

With all the poo that's occurred in life, I just ain't had the itchin' to (again make a fool of myself here) write. Relatives in a very, very bad car accident. Death of friend, too young, very unexpectedly. BFF's mom passing. Too many friends of friends, loved ones of friends passing.

Much smaller scale: Two of us at work, do the same thing. An old boss sought my buddy out at the end of November, made an offer he couldn't refuse. I've been attempting to do two people's job ever since, and it ain't working so great. Notice a pattern here? The damn car won't go into gear.

Victor, FORCE yourself to try to be funny... sorry, can't.

Reflecting on all this - it does tend to make one more appreciative of when good happens..

My big calendar at work has this plastic thing that goes across whatever week it is.. and within that, there's a small 'window frame' so you can slide and highlight the present date as a reminder. I was recently walking out on a Friday, started to switch the calendar to Monday's date, then thought to myself "nah, Monday ain't promised."

Since Monday ain't promised (and please remember I write to me, that one hitchhiker welcome to come along) "Victor, remember to walk with a smile.. whistle... meet/greet.. when shit happens, look for good. Don't sweat the small stuff... Call a friend, loved one, ya just never know what day it will be you won't have that chance. You see someone doing good, let them know. Start again your stupid backhanded way with friends, coworkers, customers, vendors.. stating "you're always in a good mood, the hell is wrong with you?!!"... "

Mostly, remember Monday ain't promised. Smile, cause one day the calendar runs out on us all. Thanks for the tickle. Car in drive now. Bring on a Nor'easter, think I can handle it now. For every hill there's a valley. Not so much fun going up, titillating going down. Good follows bad. You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up. Love, Victurd


Anonymous said...

Good to see you back on here. Sorry things have been yucky for you lately. I am one of the hitch hikers that you enlighten with your "ramblings".

J said...

I, too, am another of your famous (or infamous) "hitchhikers" that read your ramblings daily and have done so for almost a year. Good to see you backatit again. Some of your words are very thought provoking, othertimes makes me laugh out loud.

never cared for lime in the coconut, but do love the song.

Hope you can keep the car in gear