Saturday, January 07, 2012

Now wait just a dadburn minute.........

Yeah, wait a sec... I ain't real up to snuff on verbs, nouns, tenses - that stuff - think this one (wait) has multiple of them. Mind had a hard time waiting in school. Couldn't wait to go, do, have fun. Hadta. Obviously, didn't listen.

Wait is a yummy word, sometimes. Sometimes not. Waiting at a restaurant, airport security check-in line, at the Dollar Tree with 32 other customers in a single line whilst one chicky rings up the goods - and, two other employees 'busy' stocking. Really? "Hi, I love coming here, but we're kinda tired of waiting for you, would you be so kind to git ur butt over here and man a register? You know, wait on us?" I haven't arrived at the speech yet, getting closer though. Can't wait.

Once heard, for every minute one waits, it feels like three. Good thing I don't work in customer service. Oh crap, wait a minute, I do. I hate to wait. At walk-in place of fancy restaurant.. "yes, party of two.. last name 'Starving' "... Wait till her eyeballs catch mine on that one! Victor, you've used that here before. Bite me, just wait, I will repeat again. Bite me, just wait, I will repeat again.

Two lanes at McDonald's drive thru. Life goes to hell, no fun. I'LL BE DAMNED IF THAT CAR GOES AHEADA ME, I FINISHED ORDERING AT LEAST 20 SECONDS BEFORE THEY DID! I hate to wait. Nerves, tense, seconds feel like minutes. Sweat. Groan. Moan. Belly upset. Almost to the point of risking a fender.

She used to wait down at the Dew Drop Inn. The wait staff was very professional.

Wait. Hold ones breath. Close ones eyes. Mark off days on calendar.

Wait for some is a means to pass time in depression. Close ur ears, I know, been there. Can't wait for bedtime so ya don't have to think, speak, feel, emote, dread, consciously breathe. Just sleep. Effortless. Sometimes addictions are involved in the wait.

"WAIT" is an exclamitory expression too - like when one thinks, "nuh uh, what you just said ain't right. WAIT!" He left his bank card. WAIT!

Christmas, can't wait. Hurry up Friday, tired of waiting for you. Loved one overseas in the service - counting the days - waiting. You call a business, explain your dilemma in a minute or so, then hear "Ok, wait just a minute" put on hold. WHAT? What the hell do you do? And why are you getting paid to handoff? Quarterbacks get paid to do that, but they also take hits, throw, block, run too. On hold. Mind wanders, company ad plays over and over again spouting about their wonderful customer service - yet, you wait and wait.

"You'll just have to wait".. A common parent statement. I want what I want, and I want it NOW. Nope, sorry, you're gonna haveta wait.

She waits on him hand and foot. Killed many a good marriage that waiting has. After awhile "why" creeps in. Then, the word 'creep' creeps in. Talk to lawyer, wait for finality, settlement.

Single, divorced - can't wait. Sorry, haveta. Payday, can't wait. $orry, gotta. I can't wait to be 16, 21, 30, 59 and 1/2 (can dig into puny 401K), 65.

Canardly. Meeting at work. Doing taxes. Getting license renewed. I canardly wait. Have to's = waiting. Can't wait. Gotta. Canardly get around it.

Text waiters. I love young folks, I do. "Kids" nowadays treat us geezers VERY nice. But, damn, them pups are ADDICTED to their cell phones - awaiting "what's next?"... Watch 'em sometimes - hands can't lay off of 'em for more than 72 seconds.

Waiting, killing time until I go referee 1st and 2nd grade basketball. Yummy to me, can't wait. I love little kids enthusiasm, spunk, fervor. Some parents attend begrudingly. "Yeah, gotta soccer tournament I've GOT to go to this weekend." No, you've got that wrong, you GET to go to. Should be you canardly wait to go.

For the record, I've peed three times during this - waiting for my brain to lemme know what to type next. That's better than this morning at Mickey D's though... had to go to the restroom, the sit-down variety - some feller stayed in there for like 7 years. My face got red awaiting. You know, I finally got to get up, walk in. Took those short, butt-tensed steps -> "oh Lord I'm a geezer and this is very hard for me.. PLEASE help me make it there!"... The older one gets, seems the less time between 'urge' and 'actual'. Very little 'wait' time. Kinda a return to infancy. I'm not skidding, er, kidding.

Waiting really can be fun though. I loved loved loved people-watching this morning as I waited at Mickey D's. Everyone goes thru life uniquely. Everyone looks different. Speech, emotions, discipline, lack thereof.. smiles... different socio-economics.. attractive.. ugly (sorry, happens)..

Noon - time to watch MU play basketball. Been waiting. Will wait listening for one hour, then off to referee. Do so with my best friend forever. We usedta go/ref and stare at the moms in the stands. Now.. we stare at the grannies. Hehe. Can't wait. Guess i gotta.

Happy waiting to you. Victor, you're very weird. Yeah, I know, was kinda waiting for you to say that. Love, Victurd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have never met me, I read your blog a lot a few years back, lost the url and found it again today. It was lost after I moved away from Liberty-to Nebraska. Thanks for writing things that we all think about (I am your age). Take care