Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Life as an old, single fart, on Valentine's Day.........

Drum roll.... throw pity my way? Nah, hardly.

2/13/2012. Mentioned on Facebook I got outta shower, HATED what stared back at me in mirror.. "That's NOT me!.. I usedta high jump... over 6' for goodness sakes!.. I usedta be kinda of a "V".. shit, now I'm an "O"... or turned another way, maybe a "b".. crap...

Then... went to work... snow... those of that made it in...... company sprang for pizza... in addition to GS cookies and chocolate covered cherries on file cabinets... screw working out, I'll start 'tomorrow'....

2/14/2012... In keeping with tradition of this blog, and the name therein... the heater blower fan on my car went out en route. Crap. Laughed. What more can u do? Took stored napkins out, wiped condensation from inner windshield...happened to have a 2nd winter coat in car.. made my legs toasty.. made it in.

Lo and behold.. 4 dudes.. 7 ladies in our department.. treats... the 7 brought treats.. heart shaped fudge brownies.. cream filled cupcakes... TWO party trays with summer sausage, pepperoni, crackers, cheese.. a buncha chocolate thingies..... yum.

Today, 2/14 is my ex's birthday, so I teasingly said "Did you do this 'cause it's Marilyn's birthday?" (Apologies to any ex inlaws that may read, please know I love you)... gotta laugh.. "Yes, that's why."

A regular ole day, but everyone upbeat. A very good thing.

So, now home, solitary. All, still very good.

Recently, I said to myself, "self, you've been going into the office for like 6 Sundays in a row... and you referee little turd's basketball on Saturdays... do you realize you ain't had a day off since New Year's Day?"

No, didn't. Relaxation needed.

What could be the very next best thing to "being coupled" at damn near age sixty on Valentine's Day? Ray. That's what.

I put my feet up on the ottoman. I went to YouTube. I searched Ray, as in Ray Charles. Yes, I'm old. Don't care. Ray moves me. Ray relaxes me. Ray pumps me up. Ray makes me think "good gosh he's awesome... to have his 'limitation' and to be so in love with life.. to be so happy... and to be so friggin' talented"... wow... . makes my pitfalls minuscule.. .

His music relaxes me. Pumps me up. Makes me feel good. Makes me happy. Reverberates thru me... Makes me wish he was still with us.

Georgia... America The Beautiful.. What I Say.. Song For You... Hit The Road Jack... I've Got a Woman... My Bonnie.. I Can't Stop Loving You...

Ray Charles.. one of the very few artists.. u listen to his stuff... doesn't matter "original studio version"... live from a TV show in the 60's... 70's.. in concert the 80's... even the 90's... his stuff is special.. (I'm a youtube addict. I go to my favorite artists, 7 times outta 10 their live stuff is crap. Not Ray.)

Victor? Do you think anyone really cares about what you're saying here?

Ahm.. Dearest chocolate covered strawberry breath, you've missed why I'm here. I write to me. For me. Hitchhikers welcome. U no likey, quoting Snagglepuss, 'exit, stage left'....

Ray.. his music.. his life.. his demeanor.. reminds me of the lesson (And it hits home on this, Valentine's Day)... "Don't worry about what you don't have."

Ain't. Thanks Ray. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Victurd

1 comment:

J said...

Ray was an awesome man, so talented and left us far better than we were before. Through all the adversities he faced, he came out with a positive attitude. Wish there were more like him.

Thanks for reminding me of what a great man he was. And thanks for letting us readers hitchhike. Always food for thought.