Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Onea those damn “define” websites lends “something given voluntarily without payment in return, as to show favor toward someone, honor an occasion, or make a gesture of assistance; present”

Gifts… children. Weather that is comfy in a car that ain’t gots no blower fan for heat or AC… A dog’s loyalty… The receiving end of a smile… Being on either end of a compliment.

I worked for one of the coolest bosses I ever had in the mid-80’s.. I taught Elementary PE, she, Irene DeArman, was the Principal. One of her favorite sayings was “catch them doing good.”… Who woulda thunk the impact that mighta had on some wet-behind-the-ears dude that oversaw gymnastics, push-ups, pull-ups, recess, Hill Dill, Dodge Ball, the 50 yard dash, etc, etc, but it was impactive.

We all love compliment – a gift. Hard for some to lend – perfect from others to hear “just in the nick of time.” Thanks to that lesson, whenever I hear/see “catch ‘em doing good”, I try to relate/thank, same. Victor, suggesting you’re perfect? Quoting my stepson, “not no’s, but hells no’s”… Twas (hearing that) simply onea those life impactive moments where you stop and think “wow… that REALLY makes sense” and growing up in the 60’s, “far out.”

Gifts… a simple email. A smiley face affixed to a sticky note at your desk. A voicemail with the word “love” in there. Casting eyes upon someone from a bit ago, the impetus for the smile that it conjures up – the so very damn many happy thoughts/mems that go thru your brain of u/this person from yesteryear – a gift.

Relatives. If you’re old like me, u scan thru family albums, you’ll note, “many ain’t around”… when u see ones that still are – a gift.

Cloud cover on a 100+ degree day. A brief rain shower in a drought. A bonus check (unexpected) from your employer. Familiarity. Laying down in bed after your body/brain have been extended to the max on this specific day.

The words “thank you”. Saying the words “thank you.” Follow through on a promise. Any fun, UNFORMAL writing, within email communication. I’m weird, I love to write, I prolly spend 45 seconds to reply to an email when it should only take 30 seconds, don’t give a rat’s – hopeful for a baby smile on the other end.

Visiting with someone your own age. Visiting with someone much younger than you. Visiting with someone much older than you. Visiting.

Hearing laughter after something you’ve said. Laughing, loud enough for the person who’s said something funny – to hear. Laughter.

With apologies, as always, to my relatives: intimacy. BeEn AwHiLe, BuT hAsN’t EfFeCtEd Me.

A handwritten, or typed personal letter via snail mail. Being included on a damn funny, or “oh my goodness” email.

Driving into work, and you’re ok with that, in fact, even look forward to it. Cigarette breaktime at work and reminding fellow co-workers “we don’t talk that work-shit while we’re on break.”

Patterns. Same ole same ole. Be it the couple that sits at table 7 on a Saturday morning in Mickey D’s, the cars as they pull into the lot at work – same spaces, day after day – goes back to familiarity. Familiarity is a gift.

You – your eyeballs. Your comments, even if they never reach my ears – I am thankful. I am blessed to be able to ramble aimlessly, and to have u put up with it. A gift.

For Irene, tomorrow – “Catch someone being good”. Love, Victurd

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