Saturday, July 23, 2011

I like carry….

Interesting word. Carry on luggage. Similar to carry baggage? She’s carrying a child. Carrying twins. She too could pick the child up and carry. Look at the twins she’s carrying. (Perverts).. Can’t push away from the dinner table either? Carrying excess baggage too?

Support and move from one place to the other. The waitress carried the dishes. Waiters would be male carriers, but not mail carriers. Conceal and carry, me thinks u need a license for that, but anyone can carry conceit. Or guilt. Or pride, self confidence… some don’t carry much pride, confidence.

Some carry germs. Cooties I think we called it back in the day. Ticks can carry Lyme disease. His pickup only carried three passengers. Some pickups carry… well, you know.

You work for our company, you must carry that responsibility and represent us well. Cars carry us to work. Planes, trains carry many. Pilots, engineers carry mucho responsibility. I usedta carry bags for an airline. Foolish spending didn’t allow them to carry thru…

Onea my best friends is named Cary. Lotta ways to spell it.. works for dudes as well as dudettes.. Cary, Kari, Kerry, Kerri, Cari.. sCARY.

Dine in, carry out. Sorry Cari, no carry out. She drank too much, Karri’s out. Cash and carry.

Playing football carries the risk of injury. Holding a firecracker in your hand, lighting it, then throwing carries stupidity, but, reckon I’ve done it. Both me and my six and half fingered friend Lefty have. Carry on. He single-handedly carried the weight of the team on his shoulders (no, not Lefty, and I’d be ashamed if I were you!).. Each bike carries a ten year warranty.

Carry on. Continue. And some continue, continue, continue. Carried away I think they call it. Barack carries veto power..He carried the votes, Kerry didn’t. Protesters carry signs.

Tradition to carry bride across threshold (before carrying on.) Doesn’t everyone – wait?

Wow, that gal can carry a tune… The preacher’s voice carried throughout the auditorium..

Float trip soon. Will tie down everything we carry on. Learned that one hard way. River dry? Carry the canoe some. Carried us ten miles.

I’ll go now. Sorry, got “carry”ed away..... Carry on.
Love, Victurd

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