Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Oh happy (mostly) day.....

The sounds of silence...

Sitting beside a lake.  Watching a baby sleep.  Laying on one's back on the ground to ogle at the blue wonder above. Abed.  Hello darkness my old friend.

Eying.  Immersed with friends, lips sealed, eyes taking it all in.  Familiarity brings smile. Smile means thankful, lucky.

Watching people, what better.  Ya get old, time and again, you see yourself.  Damnit, I'm in a hurry, hit the gas or get over mister.  Will they not get another checker up here?  Damnit, it's Monday again. 

I'm not gona tell you again! But ya do, again and again. Pickup after yourself.  Wipe your feet.  Get your homework done.  Go to bed....now.

I am so very tired of the pressure my boss, the company, has placed on me. I can't be no doctor cause I ain't got the patience...  Geez, only 36 more years of working, then I'll coast.  Her, that one, she loafs.  We make the same, she loafs.  Tain't fair.  No, prolly ain't, but, you, the internal judge - grades character - your own.

Hurry up. Things to do, no time for doddlers, be it The Interstate, the 2 two-foot wide folks with carts stopped, yapping away in the 5' aisle of the Piggly Wiggly.  Quoting Gomer's boss, MOVE IT MOVE IT MOVE IT.

Relax, enjoy life.  Huh?  Have you seen my bills?  Johnny's report card?  The height of the grass - and the fact the puller starter string thingy broke off last Tuesday.  

HEY!  This turned South!  Uh huh, did.  Whar' ya goin' here?

Fact is, I ain't real sure.  Like getting your hand/or hair caught in onea those gluey fly trap things.. I ain't real sure what to do.

For example, examples.  Yesterday, on this wonder of social media, I'd asked "What are some of the most desirable traits one can have?"

The answers rocked. Empathy.  Kindness.  Honesty. Sense of humor.  Compassion. Integrity. Bringing out the best in others. The ability to deal with change. Trustworthy. Generous. Postive thinker. Dignified. Self control. Smile a lot. Respectful. Candor.  Courage. Clarity. Humility. Good moral compass.

When one sits at the computer, or, for you young folks that can still see the damn screen on your four inch phones -sure, it's easy (and wonderful) to describe the 'way to do it.'

When juggling (living life) it's a tad harder.  You wanna impress me?  Go to The Dollar Tree, hold the one dolla ballpoint pin you came to buy, stay calm and be the twelfth in line at the sole cash register that's open and the bank closes in ten minutes. (Be empathetic.  Have a sense of humor. Be positive.  Control one's self.  Smile a lot.) Damn hard.

Bumper to bumper, you're in the right lane on Interstate, 'creeping' along at 4 miles an hour over the speed limit. The friggin' SUV that's "objects in the rear view mirror could be closer than appear" looks like a Semi truck they are SO close to your bumper.. If only the windshield wipers could squirt out a doses of liquid Xanax in hopes they might get a whiff of it, back the hell off their gas pedal and travel one car length per 10 mph.  That's ancient.  It ain't like that any longer.

Murphy's law can and does happen. We have our choices.  Give me a break, give me a break, break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar..  no, that ain't it.  Gimme a beer.  A swig'a whiskey.  A shot of Fireball.  A Xanax. A triple cheeseburger. I can cuss.  Yell. Scream. (Hand signal and gestures no longer advised due to liberal concealed carry laws). Or, we learn to deal with it.

Deep breath.  Examples.

The lady with every hair perfectly in place ALWAYS.  How the hell?  The man who NEVER gets excited, bent outta shape, same, calm, assuring voice.  The kid who doesn't react crazily and behaves 15 years above his age.  Examples.

Life is, can be tough.

It's also very wonderful. Forgive ourselves.  Blurt happens.  So does not having a sense of humor (sometimes), not exhibiting kindness (sometimes), not smiling (all the time), being outta control.

God Bless the examples.  You know 'em, I know 'em.  But ya know what?  They too have those inner "howinthehell do I deal with this" demons living inside of them!

Human = imperfection.

We're hard on ourselves.  Mebbe our worst enemy.  We too can be our biggest ally.  There wouldn't be Gallant without Goofus.  Wally without Eddy.  Andy without Ernest T Bass..

Victurd, what on earth are you trying to say here?  Well, ain't sure.  When ciphering "What are some of the most desirable traits one can have?" - me thinks we can strive.  We'll never be perfect. We can judge ourselves on this, but not too harshly.

Open mouth, insert foot.  Again, blurt.  Fret for ten hours over a ten second oration you spit out.

We, all people, are basically good.  Never perfect, but basically good.  Sometimes we just have to remind ourselves of that.

So.......... when really yummy happens.. watching the baby sleep.  Seeing the water flow gently down the river.  Screened in back porch watching nature. Country road, no traffic, green all around.  Suck it up.  Life's perty damn good.  Never perfect, but pretty damn good.

When really good happens, suck it up, appreciate it, but don't break one's arm patting one;s self on the back.  Much the same as being on the golf course, buddy hits a wonderful shot, you counter with, "Nice Shot!  Don't let it go to your head."

Leaving now.  No, not on a jet plane (Covid).  Going to work.  Damnit I wish it was Friday.  Oops.

Love, Victurd

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