Saturday, February 09, 2019

Don't quote me...........

Because if you do (share a quote) you're likely stuck with another blog, because I love quotes. Women keep running off, so I've determined to heed all attention to quotes.. I love 'em. They look lovely whether or not they're dressed with --> ", or, dressed with --> '.

This morning, nifty article in the Kansas City Star about Jackie Robinson's daughter Sharon, and her recent visit to Kansas City. It's Black History Month, in addition to it being a year-long celebration of her father's 100th birthday.

She visited the new KC Urban Youth Academy, and for one proud Kansas City-ite moment, I will tell you it's a fabulous facility, four outdoor turf baseball fields, a 30,000 square foot indoor facility that includes a turf infield, four batting cages, four classrooms and a training room - all, exclusively funded by donations. The juxt is to get urban youth back into baseball - so maybe one day another Jackie just might come along (and of course to mentor the many thousands who come along.)

Sharon had recently visited another baseball legend, Frank Robinson just days before he passed away Thursday at the age of 83. Frank was a wonderful baseball player, wonderful man, and also so happened to be the first black manager in the Major Leagues... Jackie, two weeks before he passed in 1972, had bemoaned the fact there were no black managers... Three years later, Frank became the first.

Victor, you mentioned a quote... hop to it.

You're correct, I did. Sharon said of Frank's passing:

"It's a hard loss... He was still a relatively young man (83)..My mom is 96, so I think anybody still in their 80's is young. He accomplished so much in his lifetime, and that's what we look at. IT'S NOT ABOUT HOW LONG ANYONE LIVES. IT'S THE FACT THEY WERE WITH US AND WE ARE BETTER PEOPLE FOR HAVING HAD HIM WITH US ALL THESE YEARS."

That's the quote. That's the one you, me, many may take to the bank with us when we've lost a loved one, an admired one, a great one - much too early, or actually any time death appears. IT'S THE FACT THEY WERE WITH US AND WE ARE BETTER PEOPLE FOR HAVING HAD HIM (THEM) WITH US.

"No legacy is so rich as honesty." William Shakespeare

"I want my legacy to be that I was a great son, father and friend." Dante Hall

Strangely, I both cry and smile at funerals of good folks. The tears are for the loss of the good person that they were, and the smile is for the same thing, that they were a good person - and we're left to remember, thank them for that.

"Those who know me know I'm passionate about lists, and the top of my priorities is my family. My wife Joan and I do not consider our legacy to our children to be wealth or fame, but the opportunity to pursue happiness by following their own path." Richard Branson

Branson is on Time Magazine's list of 100 Most Influential People in the World, and has a personal net worth of $5.1 billion.

Legends come from all walks, and it's for certain we all have our own legends, legacies, quotes. Mr. Branson's rang true with me. My folks didn't have riches in the monetary sense, but they shared the same wish for my sister and I of "the opportunity to pursue happiness by following their own path."


A smile and a tear,

Love, Victurd

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