Thursday, February 07, 2019

But it's been no bed of roses....

That of course is a line from "We are the Champions" by Queen/Freddie Mercury.

The "idioms, the free dictionary" let's me know 'a bed of roses' is 'an easy, comfortable situation.'

As in... after John complained about his long, tiring day at work, his father turned to him and said "You didn't think your new job in construction was going to be a bed of roses did you?"

I'd always heard roses were a pain in the ying yang to grow. Also, thorny. Sure, beautiful, but it don't necessarily sound like 'an easy, comfortbale situation.'

"I once had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalogue: no good in bed, but fine up against the wall." Eleanor Roosevelt

I fall in love too easily. You? I just Googled "Eleanor Roosevelt sense of humor" and was amazed by it (her humor.)

So...... "Stymie halt." My sister, whom I loved like crazy, used to say that (stymie halt) to get under my skin. We'd be mid-whiffle ball game (intense, REAL important stuff), she'd come out the front door and shout "Stymie halt". Most of the time for no known reason, other than to get under my skin. I'd give anything to see her, hear her do that today. So, mebbe she too was like Eleanor.

This blog was gonna be about the ups and downs of life, but then I fell in love with Eleanor (and in a way, I guess it still kinda sorta IS about the ups/downs.) So, 'stymie halt' so to speak. S'more'a her:

"You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do." Eleanor. Holy guacamole Eleanor, why didn't you learn me that eons ago? All these damn wrinkles, me thinks some wouldn't be there!

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." Eleanor. Very true ma' lady, but sometimes it's fun to discuss people! Just kidding, kinda. Which leads me to the thought (Victor, DON'T say it), which leads me to the thought (ha) do you have that one friend who almost always talks (down) other people? Me too! In fact, I'd bet if I/we weren't there listening, they might throw us TOO in that bed of roses. Quick, zap 'em with the Roundup!

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor. Wow. No wonder Franklin loved her. Franklin D served FOUR terms as President (Victor, I knew that.. I DIDN'T).. thus, she is the longest serving First Lady of the United States. Harry S for nothing Truman called her "The First Lady of the World."

"If life were predictable, it would cease to be life and be without flavor." Eleanor. Wowzer, agreed. I love curveballs, coming outta left field, not to mention Missouri weather. Right on Big E.

"Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art." Eleanor. Uh huh, grandma's hands. Seeing inspirational stories of long-term marrieds and their devotion. It is artlike.

"Friendship with oneself is all-important, because without it, one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world." Eleanor. Anudder I wished I'd learned long ago. I am human, hear me roar, don't get mad, just because I snore. Or, we had to put peanut butter on his leg for the dog to play with him. Hehe. Sorry. I hate "LOL" and damned if I didn't go and do it myself. (I am my friend though)..

"The giving of love is an education in itself." Eleanor... Copying what the website wrote "Giving of love does not always mean you will receive it back. ER learned this the hard way just like the rest of us. She gave love to her parents who were not always the best parents. She gave love to FDR, who indeed did love her, but probably not the way she anticipated when they married. She showed love to all humanity and was often criticized for it." (S'more....)

"BUT, she also knew this: The more you give love the more you learn how to direct it to where it's needed and in what measure. In return, it will flow back to you tenfold from unexpected places at unexpected times." Nice... real nice Eleanor...

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be criticized for anyway." Eleanor.. and this... this before the days of social media, everyone knows, everyone hears. Wise. Wise lady she was.

Rick Huggins wrote the article on her quotes. He's a much better writer than I, so just gonna copy the ending of what he said - and he said it right after that last quote:

"Damned if you do, damned if you don't. So you might as well be damned if you DID. Eleanor Roosevelt was criticized for a lot of stuff - for being a woman who wanted to assert herself, for helping people nobody else wanted to help, for challenging people to change their outdated beliefs, for being a 'goodie goodie' and so on.....

And surely, the criticism hurt at times, but it didn't stop her. Nor should it you. Make it a point to NOT give a damn what everybody else thinks. Whatever you're striving for, remember that the only voice that matters is the one inside of you." Far out Rick. Far out Eleanor.

I wonder if Eleanor planted the first bed of roses in the Rose Garden at the White House. Certain it was 'an easy, comfortable situation.' And if it wasn't, I bet she trudged on no matter how thorny things got.

Eleanor, was a champion, my friend, and she kept on fighting to the end.

Love, Victurd

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