Saturday, February 07, 2015

Tranquility.. Debbie Downer.. and "Google that."

Google is my friend. I'm somewhat stoked by the fact I'm 62 and I don't know all about me, life, lotta things. So, I Google a lot. It's been a really nice self help thingy - and, of course Google is the many versatile tool we use to find Pizza Hut's #, what Bo Jackson's career batting average was, and how to fix the chain that broke on the ceiling fan.

Google knows most everything - just ask Snopes.

But... How many gosh darn times does one have to tell you, you CAN'T start a sentence with BUT.... Yeah, I know.. but they also say you can't use the combo "I is" to start a sentence. HA:

I is the 9th letter of the alphabet. Stick that up your Funk and Wagnall. Ahm, Victor, Funk and Wagnall went by the wayside long ago with pagers, the want ads, cassette tapes, Blockbuster, and now Radio Shack. Google, has replaced all that.

But.. (GEESH)... But, today I Googled "how do you handle it when life is good" - swing and a miss. The mighty Google has struck out. Nuttin, nada, huh uh. (Well, that's a baby lie as it turns out there's a line of clothing called Life is Good - but no suggestions on "what do I do when life is good?")

Debbie Downer. I've never known a Debbie I didn't like, and I don't really understand the connotation other than it runs off the tongue pretty freely. Occasionally I run these goofy blogs across my brain - and it seems there's a pretty common theme of (teaching myself) "what to do when life ain't perfect." Debbie Downer antidote, so to speak. Again, apologies to any Debbies.

Fortunately, sometimes life is (even if only temporarily) pretty damn fantastic. Tranquil. Right. Calm. Smiley. Happy. Light. Fun. Carefree. Howinthehell does one handle that (no thanks to Google.)???

I ain't real sure. They say "You can't let the highs get too high and you can't let the lows get too low." Well, I understand the not getting too low on the lows (thanks Debbie Downer White Out for reminding me).. but whythehell not enjoy/immerse/love/treasure the highs?

It's known, gump will eventually happen, always does, is a trade off.. predictable.. even Google agrees (just ask Snopes).

If it's sitting by the ocean... or on a porch listening to the wind pleasure through the trees.. with a loved one, or a treasured friend - we know the feel, the moment, the place, the happening, won't last forever - but what's wrong with getting too high during the highs? (And no, no reference to any artificial induced state here)..

Song said "Been down so long it looked like up to me".. so stay up mebbe, whilst you're there. Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do..

Thanks Pharrell, good idea.

Fleeting, all. Treasure the moment, I think I once heard. Cherish is the word. It's that wonderful time/moment when one can say "Screw you flat tire.. dead battery.. whiney coworker.. Monday morning.. overdraft.. under appreciation.. stubbed toe.. sore (hip, back, leg, muscle, demeanor)... check engine light."

When it's least expected...... sometimes the check engine light goes off. It's your lucky day.. enjoy/immerse/be happy/get UP... smile.. cause it ain't on Google's camera.

That's whatsUP. Love, Victurd.

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