Thursday, February 19, 2015

The moody blues......

Good day + good day = a couple'a good days yeah?

Simple ain't it? Well.... no, it really isn't. (This is a recording, I write to me, for me, hitchhikers welcome.)

One bad day plus one bad day equals two bad days. When one has a bad day - awakens the next - predetermined another bad day is in store? If one believes it, it'll happen. Does it have to? Are the odds in favor of it? Mebbe, but huh uh, doesn't have to be.

In this day and age of "a video for everything", my all-time favorite was one entitled "Having a bad day?".. Twas a mom bringing a birthday cake to her son. Car pulls over, she gets dropped off/out, loses her balance, falls in a ditch. Drenched in mud, she stumbles back to her feet, cake, halfway off the platter - car pulls away, her dress is caught in the door, strips her." Maybe ya hadta be there - cracked me up - but it's one I go back to/watch frequently. With age, bad days are thankfully fewer and fewer - but they still can happen...

Perfection. Daily, I read the morning paper, and I always enjoy looking to see who, in our local area, has gotten a hole-in-one, or, bowled a 300 game. Upon occasion, I recognize the name. Knew the bowler a few days back. Yep, a 300. Perfection. He also had a nice series - something like 300, 278, 279. Damn near perfect, yet, it wasn't. Something happened within those two games that just wasn't right. Still damn good? You bet, and such is the nature of life. Life, like bowling, golfing, ain't perfect - but it's still pretty damn yummy.

We 'attack' each day, each frame, each golf hole with the same intent - perfection. Rare that it happens. When it does, ohhhh yes, OH BABY OH BABY - but, reality reminds us "life is rarely perfect, but it's often pretty damn good."

1 + 1 = 2. One bad day doesn't have to turn into two bad days. Make one good day turn into two good days. Life ain't perfect Victor, understand that, thus, it may still be perfect for you.

We haven't any say in the forecast - but we can help predict the mood, the tempo, the day - by our behaviors, thoughts, beliefs and expectations. If we anticipate unruly hair, bad traffic, meals not cooked to perfection, disliking the words that will come outta other's mouths - odds are great for split ends, that we'll find ourselves going 35 in a 65 mph zone and - no tip due to an undercooked sandwich - and maybe even verbally snapping back at a friend, lover, family member, coworker.

Doesn't have to be that way. Visualize good. Believe in mankind. If other's words cause tummy aches - throw a Rolaid on your life, attitude - or, disassociate. If it rains, grab an umbrella. If there's frost on the windshield - grab the long johns and that big fluffy hat you never getta wear. Put your big pants on. Gotta frown? Stand on your head.

Odds ain't great for a hole in one (or hole in one/eagle) on two consecutive holes. A 300 is rarely followed by a 300. A bad day can be followed by a bad day - but normally, that's our call.

1 + 1, believed/anticipated/perceived 'bad' day + believed/anticipated/perceived 'bad' day can lead to many. Jump outta the way of 'muck'. Hop over 'patooey'. Swim to the shore and outta the river of gloom/doom.

Make it good + good = 2 days of good. If golf ain't your game, find another game. If you need the gutter bumpers - chances are bowling ain't either. If the day sucks, make the next day better - that's within our determination. If it entails, Bruce Weber, Kim Anderson, Ned Yost - changing the line up - by all means, have at. If not, stay the course - life's a battle, winning can happen (and be very rewarding) in the long run - but it certainly doesn't have to be predetermined consternation.

Disregard moody blues, rather listen to the music. 1 happy day + 1 happy day is 2 happy days. Tee it up. Get in your stance. In bowling, golf and life, it's all about the approach. Happy day, love, Victurd

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