Sunday, June 08, 2014

A fair day.....

I'm weird. I love words. Fair is a wonderful, diverse word.

We want educators, law enforcement, judges, politicians (ha!), parents, playmates, umpires/refs, to be fair. 3 year old granddaughter, heard it enough that (when playing with her one year old brother) bestows "Play fair!"...

We buy presents at Christmas time. Gotta make sure, to buy/spend equal amount on those we love. Two grandbabies, GOTS be fair. I go buy, lay them all out on the bed, decide "nope, he/she needs one more", go, buy one more. Now: fair.

We ride the Ferris wheel, eat funnel cakes, have livestock competition, rodeos, at the Fair.

We argue fair or foul. Now, it's decided electronically if protested. Hopefully, the dudes in NY that review - have larger TV's than the 5 inch monitor the football ref peeks his head into under that tarped tripod. That would only be fair. Or foul.

Forecast: fair, partly cloudy.

Fair grades. That was me! Mediocre sure, but fair! Gaining my undergraduate degree was probably the best six years of my life! Seeing these kids nowadays, athletes graduating in three years, Seniors in HS going to college already having 18 credit hours under their belt, holy guacamole!

California Chrome. More than a fair amount of publicity. A feel good story, horse didn't cost that much, trainer, 77 years old, first Derby horse.. two scintillating wins.. Belmont, final leg of the Triple Crown, not so much. Ran a good race, but not even in the money. Moments after, co-owner complained/lamented "NOT FAIR!". "Our horse ran all three races.. the winner rested two.. they're teaming up against us!".. Kinda dampered the feel good. Not fair, but happened.

Fair to middling. Fair and square. A fair shake. Fair enough!

Being a redhead, fair-skinned. I don't get tan, I get additional freckles. Not fair, but I'm fair, skinned.

Fair and equitable, divorce settlement. Some, in disagreement, go on, and on, and on, and on, and on... which, lends one to eventually think: hey, maybe it WAS fair.

Jury duty. Car wreck. Guy was speeding, at fault. Injuries. Fair and equitable amount due. How to decide? Twelve of us (I think it was.) All agreed "he owes", but how to obtain a fair amount? Scratch an amount on a piece of paper, throw out the high and the low, take the average. Fair? Dunno, but that's what we did.

Illness. Not fair. Bias, huh uh. Age, color, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, size, looks, dress - all 'judged'. Not fair.

Article in paper this morning. Young man out on the Lake, taken into patrol boat for liquor violation, handcuffed behind the back, lifejacket thrown over his head. Of course, still under investigation, not incriminating here. He fell overboard, drowned. Not fair. There is no fair compensation for death.

Another article about ALS, the Lou Gehrig disease. Not fair, but Lou, tragically en route to death, in a ceremony honoring him, harkened "today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth." The article related the heartfelt relationships of ALS victims, and KC area sport's legends. Chief's General Manager John Dorsey and his mother, Tom Watson and his caddy, George Brett and his best friend. ALS is not fair, but they all persistently work to raise funds, find a cure.

In discussing the unfairness of this disease (and terminal illness in general) - George Brett related he once asked Dan Quisenberry "Don't you ever stop and and ask 'why me?'. Quiz answered, "No.... why NOT me?".... Wow.

Buck O'Neil, a very, very good "Negro Leagues" baseball player was denied entry into the Major Leagues due to his color. By the time Jackie Robinson played, Buck was past his playing prime, but did later become the first African American coach. When asked if he was bitter, shoulda happened earlier. Not fair. Buck replied "I was right on time." Another wow.

Fair (the word) is beautiful, ginger, just, impartial, sunny, average and maybe unfair all in the same.

Fair time to stop, written enough. Happy day, love, Victurd.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm back to reading your blog. Got sidetracked with life and the World Wide Web has taken a back seat.
I've s missed your thoughts.

Also I hope we can hook up for coffee or lunch soon to get caught up!