Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Perty nifty term. We all have paths in life...

My 19 month old granddaughter, her path is erratic. Flitting about, around the coffee table.. walking/stepping over her g'pa's outstretched legs as he lays low to the ground reminded "get down on her level." She makes a trek down the path to pickup the empty plastic Piggly Wiggly sack, and presents it to him as if it were a trophy.. Cool. Then she flits about and finds a fourth of a graham cracker she'd just devoured 3/4's of, takes a nibble, and again, hands it as a trophy to grandpa. The best.

Many paths in our lives. The Facebook Timeline is about as popular as Rex Hudler from an avid Royal's fan's view, Obama, from a conservative's view.. and Michael Vick, from a PETA person's view.. yet... it is a compilation.. it is a cumulative review, of life.

Had we had FB timeline from day 1, we'd all be saying "no frigging way I've taken this path". Sorry. Way.

Eons ago, before roads.. cars would traverse from here to there.. light bulbs clicked (That doesn't make sense Victor, there were no lightbulbs then).. .. OK, dudes observed, decided to fill in the tire trek paths with gravel. This, is how roads began. I made that up, but you might check Snopes, it could be true.

Base paths.. we mostly all remember Willie Wilson hitting one in the gap, legging out three... The Mick, flitting an infield single, sprinting down the path.. Lou Brock, whom the St. Louie Cardinals obtained and canned my all-time favorite left-fielder Charlie James in a trade for Ernie Broglio - and his many, many treks down the paths. I remember umpiring years ago. 9 year old lad "hit by pitch in arm". Limped, down the path to first base. Gotta love paths.

We remember the email about Jesus, the sand... four footprints for awhile... then two footprints in the path to the destination. When questioned, "I was carrying you."

On the eve of 60, divorced, mixed feelings about going down the handheld path again. Path of least resistance, "ride it on out, you'll be fine".. or, "Get all absorbed, and risk having one wonder off the path again." This is about the point where all you lucky ones who have been on the joint path forever and ever ask "yeah, but what if I woulda turned the other way at the fork in the road?"..

Bullhockey, the grass is greener on the other side 'cause there's likely more manure laid, the water bill to get it that green is ridiculous, and No the grass is always greener because you can't get to it. Everybody wants what they can't have until they get it then they don't want it. Kudos to your coupledom longevity, scoff the idea.

Work paths. Made a few wrong turns there - but damn, met a lotta nice folks, had some wonderful experiences.

Don't look back? With advance apologies to my Uncle Don and Aunt Louise who occasionally swing by here.. I'm of the age, singledom, if I see a 'looker' crossing my path, damn straight I'll look back once she's passed!

Looking at the path of tomorrow? Who knows? Some have planned well. Some, not so much. If you're like me, being 20-something, 30-something, I was "why worry about fitty, sixty-something.. that's forever from now?" Well, forever from now is here.

I very much enjoy the path I go down daily. If I drink 5 total cups of coffee at Habib's BP and get my card punched, I get a free one. My car gets 26 MPG. I now have AM radio (long story) and I love my Sport's talk (cepting Monday mornings when 101 the Fox gives an auto to a deserving vet, and I sob on the path into work. ) My 168,000+ car is a convertible, a friend suggested I was now a real 'chick magnet', har har, I'm closer to a walker for my path than being a chick magnet.

I like paved paths thru the woods. I like the less traveled paths. I take the path from home to Wally World via Pleasant Valley, and avoid the congested path. I see folks on life's path, and I wonder whatinthehell they're thinking. Conversely, they may be looking at me, and thinking the same dadgum thing.

Paths are fun. Paths can be coupled. Ran. Jogged. Walked. With canine. In good weather and bad. At one's own pace, direction.

Happy fork in the road to you. If you feel you mighta taken the wrong turn... forkget it.. Happy paths, the resta the way out, Love, Victurd

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