Sunday, May 06, 2012

Ok, I'll try harder... or....

50 ways to please your mother (since it's almost that day.)

I don't like incrimination. And, in keeping with the 'in' words, no inference intended, not my intent.

Someone once stated the sentence below.. and again, insteada ratting, I'll just use multiple choice... It was either:

a) My 8th grade football coach.
b) Some guy I met for first time yesterday in aisle 5 at Sutherlands.
c) perhaps an ex
d) the preacher at the 2nd Baptist Church..

What'd they say Victor? Something to effect (affect?) of "You always have to be the good guy, even though that's not always the way it is."

So... as a reminder to me of that, I do hereby list some things into the future I'm gonna TRY to do, so I no slippy up again.

Open the door for someone.

Help someone whose car is brokedown.

Help someone for free.

Help a child learn.

Pay for someone behind you in line.

Make a new friend today.

If there's someone who made a difference in their life, let 'em now somehow.

Tell someone you hang with all the time how much you appreciate that.

Someone get an 'atta boy'? Add to it, recognize it, let them know "way to go!"..

Leave a generous tip.

Say "Good Morning"

Bring your coworkers a special treat.

Be kind to someone you dislike. MUST I? Yes Victor, it was on that lista crap you researched.. It said something like "Getting to know and understand him or her better might help you appreciate your differences. Before you know it you might actually have a new friend!" Remember "it's not always the way it is".. OK OK OK.. I'll try. Sup Howard?

Sing at a Nursing Home.

Touch. Not "that" kinda touch you perv... I mean like walking by a friend and extending your arm.. or walking by their desk and touching their shoulder. Victor, that sounds like one of your stupid ideas. Bite me. Must I do another multiple choice question?

Tell your boss he/she does a good job. MUST I? VICTOR -DAMNIT!

Renew an old friendship.


Slip a $20 bill to a person who you know is having financial difficulty.

Let someone know when they "run past your brain." A simple "Hey, you ran past my brain, so I wanted to say "Hey".. "Hey"

Check on someone you know is alone. (Editorializing "Good one (nice Googling).. this is HUGE!")..

The problem is all inside your head, so said once or twice
The answer is easy if you take it logically
I'd like to help you in your struggle to be nice
There must be fifty ways to please your mother.

She said it's really not my habit to intrude
Furthermore I hope my meaning won't be lost or misconstrued
(You and your nice "even though that's not always the way it is.")

So I repeat myself, at the risk of being crude
There must be fifty ways to please your mother,
Fifty ways to please your mother.

Happy random acts of kindness. Happy Mother's Day. Forgive me Father for
I mighta (slipped) sinned. Promise to work on 50 ways to please your mother.

Love, Victurd.

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